Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Ranking Rewards
Ranks where reset today and here are some updates.

Ranking rewards:
#1 globally ranked player at 23.30 CET will receive 2000 TC * day of the month.

5th of August the reward is 10,000 TC (2,000 TC * 5).
31 of August the reward is 62,000 TC (2,000 TC * 31).

Total amount of TC payed out in August will be 992,000.

Tournament1 to Tournament15 are ranked servers with various mods.

Ranked Black belt servers:
/join ranked2 - Judofrac
/join ranked3 - Lenshu3ng
/join ranked4 - ABD
/join ranked5 - ErthTK
/join ranked6 - Greykido

The GMs and admins will and can experiment with the server setup during the month.

A handy ingame command that list the current top ranked players and their ELO:
/ranking global

View global ranking on the forum:

[Progress 4th Aug]
jack9918 and Zalf have both been on top for the first 4 days.

Zalf has played 116 games as #1
jack9918 has played 141 games as #1

We are keeping track for Elo ranges for future restrictions.
| EloRange | Players |
| 1570-1580 | 3 |
| 1580-1590 | 50 |
| 1590-1600 | 2190 |
| 1600-1610 | 889 |
| 1610-1620 | 54 |
| 1620-1630 | 20 |
| 1630-1640 | 16 |
| 1640-1650 | 8 |
| 1650-1660 | 1 |
| 1660-1670 | 1 |
| 1670+ | 2 |
Last edited by hampa; Aug 4, 2015 at 02:29 PM.