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Sig contest... Win 3000+ credits
Hi there =D

I made a request for a sig around a week ago, and although some people have put in decent entries, I was hoping to see more... So I decided I would turn it into a contest

Alright, Anyone who can make the best sig that represents some kinda WAR THEME, and does a very good job of it will win...
Basically, with the themes, the era's of war I am looking at are either around the medieval era (The first game thought that pop's into my head is medieval total war series), or like some type of futuristic war era (Think of the game Battlefield 2142, or the upcoming game tom clany's endwar)... You can get the pictures from anywhere.

Be creative with the sig, and you will probably win. I will be deciding the winner though since I will be the one using the sig.

If there are a lot of entries, I will probably raise the credits prize upwards to 4000 credits, and maybe even more (I better start playing a lot online again)

The basic entries for the contest will end 1 week from today... around 1 AM GMT on the 26th of june (I think). But I will give a couple extra days for the participants to add the finishing touches to their entries

Good luck, and happy rendering

EDIT! ended due to neglect
Last edited by Mosier; Jun 23, 2007 at 07:44 PM.