Original Post
Itīs a hard knock life
Itīs a hard knock life
...yes a replay thread.

Iīm finally back from my little sp break.
So please rate/comment and stuff.
Attached Files
leilak_itsahardknocklife.rpl (141.6 KB, 98 views)
leilak_hitnrun.rpl (268.0 KB, 96 views)
Though ive seen hit'n'run before but that doesnt make it bad!!

10/10 You're a god!
Member [o]f Incognito
Very nice indeed. Hard knock life is a very clever move, very inventive getting your left hand behind uke to put yet more power into that nasty punch ^^ like...there wuz uke and then 100 frames later there wuz legs and guts hahaha.

I like your running as well, you can keep it going longer than me! Its nice and rhytmic, you get there fast in only 4 steps and it looks good too. And the cherry on the icing is that sexy boomkick ofc. And then another tasty portion of running
Youshop | Art
totaly unreal was first thing what I could say xD

epic work, I liked more that hit and run like *run run run BAM KABOM run run run and victory dance* love them
And the second largest penis in animal kindom