This thread seems to be going well. Big thanks to all of you for contributing to the discussion. After looking this over, here are some of my thoughts.

Originally Posted by Footlox View Post
Audit every org to check their activity, what their purpose is and if they’re really contributing to the community or not. If a dead org doesn’t respond within a month - delete them. The remaining orgs can be moved to existing subforums that they relate to.

I don't think subjecting orgs to a harsher criteria is the way to go. I agree with shit to an extent about having them be a relaxed place for people with similar interests to gather around and socialize.

Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
Removing something like orgs is quite pointless because at the end of the day having a dead part of forums doesn't hurt anyone, but if someone wants to look back on something they still have the ability to do it.

The only situation where I could see removal of orgs justified is if it improved performance of the website (with the posting lag and all)

Originally Posted by Footlox View Post
I'm okay with deleting all orgs because TMMA will just reform somewhere else. Our main platform is discord but we can and are planning to contribute more to the community which is what orgs should do. It does such that we lose all that history in the old threads though. Good times..

Originally Posted by BigDog View Post
there's no point in removing the orginazations that's just taking history away, instead you could keep progressing onward with toribash next and get ready to populize the game, i severely hope you guys plan on advertising, it'll really benefit you guys, and if you advertise look into twitch, this is unrelated but it's just what i think.

We've thought about the historic value of orgs, and we plan to make an "Organizations Archive" similar to how the Dead Clans board works. So don't worry about any lost memories, they will still be there.

Originally Posted by Bison View Post
There's one more thing.
Social groups ( on this forum don't make much sense, their removal will probably make the organizations more important.
If I remember correctly even Sir mentioned that he wants to remove them.

Social Groups were deleted recently, then brought back for a limited time so some people could access some of the information they had stored in them. As far as I know, they're going to be deleted again soon.

Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
what i'd like to know is: how would the off-topic rules be enforced in those threads? there's a lot of shitposting in obt, matter of fact, 99% of the posts made there are shitposts, and that's perfectly fine the way things are right now, but would it still be okay to shitpost if those threads were in off-topic, would they be exempted?

As it stands now, my plan is to give the language based orgs (OBT, Indonizer, OFRO, etc.) a collective sub-board in Off Topic - just like the Music/Movie chat. Each language would have their own thread. In that board in particular, I wouldn't mind the idle chit chat, so they would be exempt from that rule. With other orgs like the anime one, they would be free to make a thread in OT. However, the regular OT rules will still apply to them. I don't think this will be much of a problem though. Just like all of the other media based threads in OT, it shouldn't be hard to prompt discussion. If they want to talk about things other than anime, they can keep that to their discord or something (which is a much better way to effectively communicate anyway).

Originally Posted by shit View Post
On the contrary to what some people seem to think, I think orgs should be made a little bit less seriously enforced. It'd be good for people to have a designated place to group together and freely socialize on the forums (in a group outside of just their clan; you can only be in one clan at a time). Services like Discord tend to take away from this, but I don't think that's reason enough to remove it entirely from the forums.

My solution: Merge unofficial orgs into offtopic, and moderate them less seriously (meaning: allow orgs that are social, redundant, and stupid/wibblish to a degree). Make them a place for users to band together and socialize outside of just their clans. However, keep a separate board for official organizations to have their subboards, and allow quality unofficial orgs in offtopic to still apply and become official. You never know when a good org may come around, especially as user activity increases with Toribash Next.

On that last note, I think it's pretty clear and safe to say that user activity is/has been down. I don't think it's a good idea to make these big decisions deleting inactive stuff when most of the forums/game is seeing a drop in activity as a whole. Except social groups, delete social groups.

Most of this is sort of what we're leaning towards going for. And yeah, screw social groups

Based on the results of the poll and what's been said in this thread, here's a quick rundown of what I think y'all might like for the future:

  • Create an Organization Archive of sorts, for their history - will work like the Dead Clans board.
  • Give language based orgs a collective sub-forum in Off Topic
  • Allow other orgs to create a thread in Off Topic (such as the Anime org)
  • Give some of the TB related orgs a relevant sub-forum

What do you guys think? Any and all thoughts you have are welcome.