Original Post
[Request] 500k Set
NOTE: I know the title says 400k+flame, it is going to be 500k. Over time I will try to add more tc, hopefully by time this is over I will have 750k for the set.

Hello, I am looking to get a new set. Possibly a permanent one. I need the head to be in 512x512 format.

What I want:

-I want it to be the colors of Void Typhon and Acid, it MUST HAVE Acid and Typhon, Void is optional but perfered.

-The hands need to say Sexy like my current hands.

-I want this to be very unique, this is most likely going to be my permanent set. This means no simple robotic, emo, tribal or anything like that.

-512x512 head.

-Bump Mapping textures(NOTE: This is not necessary, but could make the difference of me choosing your set over someone elses if I come to a point where I can't decide.)

What I don't want:

Last edited by JesseD; Mar 2, 2010 at 06:16 PM.
Can someone change the title to [Request] 500k Set
I changed my idea about the offer.
Last edited by JesseD; Mar 1, 2010 at 02:20 AM.
Alpha I'll wait. :3 This will probably go on for a while, as I want people to take there time and making something good, also I might occasionly update it and add more tc for the winner. I hope to have 750k ready for the winner by time this is over. I have 500k right now.
Last edited by JesseD; Mar 2, 2010 at 06:14 PM.
I've added bumpmap textures as something I would like to have with this set but is not necessary.

I have also changed the offer to 500k, could someone please change the title to say [Request] 500k Set
Count me in. I'll try out some new stuff to get you something unique.

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try