Original Post
Ask the fruit absolutely anything!
...and the fruit will respond truthfully, albeit, possibly, somewhat cryptically.
When clowns hump, do they wear those big floppy shoes!?!?
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Originally Posted by loje View Post
When clowns hump, do they wear those big floppy shoes!?!?

Yes and no. This depends on the authenticity of the clown. Many clowns are actually a large footed subspecies of us and were originally low-caste members of the freak show association, but due to them being more ridiculous than freakish they became so-called clowns. Their large feet being gross and covered in warts and excreting weird shit, they were made to wear large, floppy, uncomfortable shoes. This is why an authentic clown is always frowning, and must paint a different expression on his face.

So, to answer your question, with the above history in mind:

No, an authentic clown will remove his or her large floppy shoes because they're quite uncomfortable. A non authentic clown will also, because those shoes really are pretty uncomfortable. A fraud "authentic" clown will not, however, because he will then reveal his non-huge feat and no longer be recognized within the clown caste system as nobility, decedent from the First True Clown.

Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
..ARE YOU A.. FRUIT?!?!?!?

In most dimensions, yes.
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
...and the fruit will respond truthfully, albeit, possibly, somewhat cryptically.

/invade warn me if I cant do this

Ok, master. answer these:

1. Does the fruit have a student?
2.Does the fruit know fruit art?
3.Have you painted fruits in your art class?
4.Can I make a mod named fruit_Acavado?
5.Do you like fruits?
6.Do you eat fruits?
7.Are you friend with Fruitish land?
8.Do you reproduce by plating your seeds in the ground?
9. Should I call you He she or it?
10.Are you and flufs related?
11.Do you like chess?
12. Do you have thousands of sisters that come from the same tree?
13.Can I stop asking questions?
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Dimensions of what? A pear? (No boobs but a hell of an ass). A banana? (Flat with skulliosis) A peach, apple, pepper? (Fat....just....fat) ....the next is not a fruit.... A Squash? (Heroic Curves)
Redbull Gave Me Wings