Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (2.3 Incomplete (Beginner's manual ready))
Guys, this is my first tutorial. It's probably really hard to understand, but bear with me, and tell me what you think. I'm not quite finished with it yet, but I've gotten pretty far with it. It will keep expanding for a while. There's A LOT of guide to be written, especially in the tactics section. Now that I've started that section, I'll continue to add a tenth of a number to the title whenever I add something. I want this to be a great guide that helps everyone! Here goes. AHEM...

You've seen the people whom you would call "Toribash Masters". The guy that easily swipes a 10 game winning streak leaving any opponents in pieces all over floor. He beats the daylights out of everyone and doesn't even seem to put any effort into it, and with all the advanced moves, saves, and styles, you know you don't stand a chance, and you're like, "Dude, I'll never beat this guy! How does someone do that kind of stuff?"

Guess what. That guy started out just like you.

You're probably thinking "Pfft yeah right. That's lame. Those guys are naturally way better than me, and I've looked up a bunch of stuff, and I'm not making much progress, anyway!" If not, then you have a good mind set already.

I'll be honest. When I first started, I was... bad. Take a minute to scroll down to the bottom of this tutorial and you'll see a replay, titled "I lost...On singleplayer..." I saved this back when I was new. It one one of my first matches in single player. I had looked at that "How to kick" video, and tried it on Uke. When i kicked him in half I was like , but I still had no earlly idea how the game worked. I ended up ... you can just watch for yourself Go ahead and scroll down. Come back up when you've watched the first one............................ Quite embarrassing. I couldn't kick uke to save my life :P Now, below that one, I have one I took about 4 or 5 months later, called "Breakdancemania!" Go ahead and watch it.......................................... See a difference? :P It takes time to get results. I'm still not very good, but I didn't get where I am now overnight. This proves it :P

This guide should help you focus on what you need to do to really become better. It's not as much technical as it is psychological. Some people think "Hey, if I get an awesome new opener, I'll be unstoppable!" ......BAAAAAAN! Wrong! Sure a nice opener will make you or break you, but what happens when your opener DOESN'T do what you had in mind (like in my old replay :P) ? Are you going to stand still and hope he DQ's? Maybe you'll have more points at the end :O But, on the off chance he'll be fighting back, your chances drop quite a bit :P

I'm not saying you fight like that. I'm just saying that you should familiarize yourself with the basic concept of Toribash.

First of all, you won't get the hang of the system overnight. Most of those "Toribash Master" are AT LEAST BlackBelts. Maybe Brown. That means they've have quite a lot of matches under their belt. (By the way to get a black belt you have to play 1000 multiplayer matches). Yup, that sure is a lot of playing. It's also a lot of practice. ;) NOTHING is going to help you as much as just playing the game. Over time, you'll get better and better and better until you find yourself just as good (if not better) than some of those big guys that used to beat you to a pulp. :P

You have to realize, though, that just sitting a doing the same opener, same moves, and never trying anything new won't get you anywhere. Don't worry about trying something you've never tried before. Even if you lose because of it, a mental note like, "I shouldn't do that in that situation..." will help you be ready for the next time it happens.

Now, before you jump into multiplayer matches, you should start in one player mode. Experiment. Try some things out. I'm sure you'll come across something you didn't realize you could do. While your there, if you're not very familiar with glutes, ankles, etc, try to get a feel for how they work, what they do, and how you can use them.

There are a lot of really good tutorials about Toribash for beginners. Why don't you check them out? I want you to read through some on the forum, and go experiment for a while. I'll eventually jump into more tactical issues, but right now, tt's for those with a basic knowledge of the system. if you're not ready for the more experienced things, then maybe you should continue reading from this point. If you have been playing for a while now and know all the basics, scroll down until you see the !!!. (Or you could just keep reading )

Part 1: A Few Aspects of Toribash you MUST know.

Get yourself prepared, and once the match starts, use everything you know about toribash, your opponent, the rules and settings of the server, physics, and anything else to your advantage. Remember, if you are new, you probably won't know much about any of these things, so it's normal not to fight as well as someone who has played longer.

As I said, there are some things you should know about toribash as you start your match. One thing is dismemberment. Is the dismemberment threshold higher (Harder to dismember) or lower (Easier to dismember) than normal? If so, be sure to adapt to this if you plan on taking something off your opponent or making sure you don't get anything taken off of you.

Fracturing is another aspect to think about. It's fairly new, and many people haven't gotten used to it. If a joint gets fractured, it will be relaxed for the rest of the match. If fracturing is possible, get ready to do some awkward maneuvers to avoid Disqualification (DQ).

You also have to be wary of the floor. In some servers, if you touch the floor with anything but your hands and feet, you're disqualified (often called a DQ). In other areas where it's harder to keep your balance, such as Judo, ankles and wrists are safe from DQing. Some areas don't even have DQ at all! Some servers have dojos, like Sumo. It's just a big square on the floor, but if you step outside of it, it's instant DQ, So beware!

A very important aspect is the amount of frames you have left to fight. In case you didn't know, Toribash's turn system is very original, but not complicated. Imagine picking a fight with someone. You both rush at each other. Then... time freezes for about 20 seconds allowing you to see what your opponent is doing, and also choose what movements you want to make next. That's what toribash is. After a set number of frames, the fight stops and you get to change the movements of your fighter. But be warned, you only have a short time to make any adjustments! Luckily for you, you can see your character's "ghost". It's just a visual display of where your guy would do during the next turn. If you don't like it, change it, and look again. Also, if you want to see what your OPPONENT'S character will do during the next fighting scene, press B. His ghost will appear along with yours! You have to be careful with this feature, though. Your opponent will probably change his characters movements, and you won't see what he will definitely do unless he presses space (Which finalizes his move) before the time runs out. Don't understand? Go look for yourself in one player. (You probably know most of this stuff already. But if you don't, then this guide should really help you out. ;))

Time for belts and ranks. A registered person enjoys the benefits of keeping his or her belt and obtaining a rank, so... buy toribash now Belts are displayed under your in-game username on Toribash. Your belt changes when you play a certain number of matches (It doesn't matter if you win or lose). When you first start, you have a white belt. When you play 10 matches, you will upgrade your belt to yellow. Here is a list of the belts I copied from another part of the forum:

- As you get better online, and start winning games you will get greater belts.
These give NO special abilities they are only badges of honor.

* White: - 0 plays
* Yellow: - 20 plays
* Orange: - 50 plays
* Green: - 100 plays
* Blue: - 200 plays
* Brown: - 500 plays
* Black: - 1000 plays

- Dans are achieved after reaching black belt.

* nidan: second degree black belt - 2000 plays
* sandan: third degree black belt - 3000 plays
* yondan: fourth degree black belt - 4000 plays
* godan: fifth degree black belt - 5000 plays
* rokudan: sixth degree black belt - 6000 plays
* nanadan (or shichidan): seventh degree black belt - 7000 plays
* hachidan: eighth degree black belt - 8000 plays
* kudan (or kyuudan): ninth degree black belt - 9000 plays
* judan (or jyuudan): tenth degree black belt - 10000 plays

Your rank will disappear after you close the game if your're not registered.

I know I haven't gotten into much of the good stuff yet, but before we move on, you should realize... Getting better, as I said before, takes practice. That means you have to be very PATIENT. You probably won't read this guide and go pro in an hour. It takes time... Ok, just making sure you got that part. Now we REALLY get into it!!!

Section 2: Getting a Little Specific

You're not going to get anywhere without moving your guy around! I know of a good guide that should help you learn about the toribash joints. Go here : http://www.toribash.com/forum/index.php?topic=6268.0

Breaking people is always fun I found a nice tutorial about the different kinds of breaks! Keep them in mind! Go here: http://www.toribash.com/forum/index.php?topic=5261.0

That's all the guides I I'll post for now.

Now, all what I've told you aside, there is a way to boost your chances of winning through the roof. I've seen hundreds of matches turned around, and hundreds lost because of one thing. If there is anything you MUST remember of what I tell you, you must NEVER GIVE UP. You will not believe how many times I've watched people let themselves dq because they think they don't have a chance. You also wouldn't believe how many matches I've seen where someone on the verge of defeat came back with an awesome victory because they never gave up hope that they could win. Fight until the last frame. Seriously, it doesn't matter if your head is 2 frames away from hitting the floor. Try as hard as you can to win. You'll find that you'll pull a comeback every once in a while. Same things true for when you're winning. If you get cocky and let your guard down, you may end up with an embarrasing defeat, so never count someone out, and never give up. It can also get you a few cool replays, too. ;)

Ok, guys, that concludes the basics section! You are now psychologically a Brown Belt If you have read all of this, pat yourself on the back! If you've followed all the instructions I gave you in it, pat yourself on the back... twelve times.
If you didn't, then smack yourself in the face a few times. :P


You have to walk before you can run. (Except for Forrest Gump) This section is for those who are good at toribash, and are attempting to get even better. This part of the guide is more tactical, filled with a lot of info I've come across as I fought.

Section 2.1 The Art of Dismembering

Now, breaking people is a good way to increase your chances of victory. But, how exactly do you break people? Since you're good at toribash, you should know. What we're going to focus on now is a few more ways you could try to dismember your opponent, and better ways to attempt them.

In case you skipped the beginner's tutorial, go here, and look at the types of breaks: http://www.toribash.com/forum/index.php?topic=5261.0

Now that you've studied the breaks guide, you may have a greater sense of better ways to try to break people. I'll go over some tips that might ccome in handy.

This is where it ends for now. I know you're like :o, but if I post it, It will give me some initiative to finish it It's not much, and I'll continue working on it. I hope you've gotten something out of what you've read so far.

P.S. Don't forget to post what you think!

Attached Files
I lost...on single player....rpl (56.8 KB, 483 views)
Breakdancemania!.rpl (170.7 KB, 360 views)
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (Incomplete)
This best be finished (or at least continued.) :P

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (Incomplete)
wow allready looks tight
<Hamster> I need a towel
<Hamster> ._.
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (1.3 Incomplete)
Very nice for beginners, once you finish it fully it could be featured as a new player guide at the actual website, or something. :P
<Imsku> One sentence at a time, I will work my way into everyone's signature.
<%Qegola> I shouldn't have slept with that dude in the subway...
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (1.3 Incomplete)
Very nice especially liked the video part finish quick and they'll atleast sticky it if not something else

Keep up the good work
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (1.3 Incomplete)
Btw, don't worry. I lose in single player a lot.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (1.3 Incomplete)
It's named that because that's what I saved it as when I made it :P It's basically to prove the point I made earlier about the openers.
Re: Increasing Your Toribash Skillz! (1.3 Incomplete)
When it's finished, I shall sticky this, IF it's deemed worthy.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do