I disagree with Daxx to be honest. He resorts to lifting a lot, especially in duels. Is this really what you want in Team Sambo? I remember once he resorted to shovelling in a duel against me when we agreed to play fairly. There's also somebody mentioning the same thing happening again in the World Championships thread.

EDIT: Here
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set

Aikido: Throws and Joint Locks and Lifts.

A lift can be used as throwing an opponent if the opponent is not smart and doesn't grip, there is a flaw in your logic.

Daxx keeps it fair and doesn't lift for an expended period of time in his matches.
Also if you can't stop someone from lifting, shoveling, or whatever, then your not all that good.
When Gr3y tested me he shoveled me many times to see if I can stop it.
Last edited by Tripstone; Aug 27, 2011 at 05:45 AM.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post

Aikido: Throws and Joint Locks and Lifts.

A lift can be used as throwing an opponent if the opponent is not smart and doesn't grip, there is a flaw in your logic.

Daxx keeps it fair and doesn't lift for an expended period of time in his matches.
Also if you can't stop someone from lifting, shoveling, or whatever, then your not all that good.
When Gr3y tested me he shoveled me many times to see if I can stop it.

I won the duel 5-2
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
srsly, all the times that ive played against daxx they have always been good fights... he clearly shows great skill in aikido/sambo... also trip makes some damn good points, i do believe you need to lift some in order to do a toss or throw move...

numbers you might want to reconsider your thoughts about daxx and actually sit down and play against him for more then just a couple matches, you will see that he can fuck some shit up in aikido
OG of TB
A man of few words
So? It wasn't directed toward you and your going off the topic.

A duel is a duel.. who says you would get the same score everytime.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post
So? It wasn't directed toward you and your going off the topic.

I thought you were. My bad.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Dr0pK1ck lost because he couldn't stop a lift, what does that tell you? He isn't all that good.

I'm not saying he sucks he's a good player but if he couldn't stop it he lost fairly and that's that, people can piss and whine all they want in that thread it was a fair match.
The problem with lifting is it doesn't show skill -_- If you want to demonstrate you can handle yourself in aikido, you can't resort to lifting. Lifting is just easy-mode, it's overpowered.
So what you just told us is you cant take on a noob lifter?

you can be a pro or a noob it doesn't matter its Aikido and that's what it's about.