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[Event] Gimp users Weekly event

A Gimp Users Sponsored Event.
This month we have a competition, every week another comp, in total of 4 weeks and we have the end of the competition, after the 4 steps.
Every step, one theme, one week, one piece of art different. Every steps points is going to add for the final result, so you have have a chance to change your result at every new step and new week.

No Flaming
No Spam
No Troll
one post per user.
No C/P
one entry allowed



Judging criteria:

Can be done with any Graphic software.
Make sure to assign it.
The first step is Head Texture
The second step is Texture Set
The third step is Signature
The fourth step is General Art

for the texture:
the Set must be made for this competition,
you are free to do everything you want with it.
size: 512x512
preview max size: 1024x800px.
You can do everything you want

First Step competitors.



Secon Step Competitors



Thrird Step Competitors



Fourth Step Competitors




30k(5k plus for GU members)

Start Date:
Head Texture Start Date:June, 11 2012(we need many competitors, more than 5)
Head Texture Ended: June, 17 2012.
Texture Set Start Date: June, 18 2012(5 competitors required)
end date: 4 weeks from the beginning
Last edited by dengue; Sep 5, 2012 at 05:36 PM.
Oh very cool
when will this start?
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
okay I will edit this post then
Question: we have to make a new head or can like a week old entry be good?
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
Every step, one theme. Every steps points is going to add for the final result, so you have have a change to change your result at every new step.

Could you expand on this please? your wording has confused it a fair bit.
you want us to make a new texture each week? or do you want us to make a texture, and change the theme of that one texture each week, working towards a final result?

Originally Posted by dengue View Post
Me and the leaders are choosing the theme.

what is the theme?
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I will explain better.
it is more directed for general art,
so we make a theme,
the theme of the week and step is Head Texture.
You are free to do what you want in head texture kind of art theme.
one head, one week, one step, one result, other head, other week, other step and other result
edited the first post a little
You are welcome to participate.

Last edited by dengue; May 15, 2012 at 05:35 PM.