Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Recruiting Rules
ok after accepting reddeath into clan i realized we didnt really have a clear way to bring ppl in to the clan anymore, so i thought i'd make this so everyone knows wat they can and cannot do:

(plz note im not mad at reddeath for joining or tortle for recruiting him, im just making this so someone joining is more organized)

oh ya and i also updated the join thread so check that out too, it applies to wat i say here..

Leader: can recruit (and deny) ppl directly into the clan.

can get an applicant past the in-game test and then applicant will b put to a poll or accepted immediately with Leader's approval

Regular Members: can b put as recommendations in join application and can be automatically approved for an in-game test with 3 or more verifiable recommendations

now i kno this sound kinda detailed n stuff... its rly just a rough version of wat final rules will b (although these r in effect for now) so post and tell me wat u think.. also if u guys have any suggestions feel free to ask.

k thnx
Fix your sig buttcheeks.

Change it to Tortle for TA and SaintOwar for GK

lol plz dont post on other threads bout that.. just pm everyone u told in the beginning... so the threads wont be bumped for no reason. - NigB

just wanted to edit a post
Last edited by GloomyBear; Aug 19, 2008 at 04:33 AM.
ayylmaos are real
ok guys i put RiseAgainst in charge of recruiting to try n get more good ppl in the clan and less of these ppl who dont care..

im givin him permission to recruit and if u guys c someone who can help clan grow then pm RA with info about the person...

(RA post a form u'd like them to fill out bout the person wen they pm u)

until RA post something different copy the form out of the join thread and ask the guy ur recommending all those questions....

ill define some more conrete rules later... rite now we need to bring our clan size bak up with better, more active and loyal members
ahh ok just read these rules sry for recruiting lurtz without asking/telling before hand =/
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
no its fine i meant to tell u this is wat were gonna do later but for now we need to get some more good members quick so rite now im letting u, buttc, (and RA if he finds one) recruit directly into clan.. so ya u can do it just mention it somewhere in forums or pm me so i can keep track of all our members