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Well this has been bothering me for awhile. I like hosting my own server and occasionally I have to ban people, but then I make a server the next day and the people I banned before can just join again.

I'd like a command where I can permanently ban people from my server.

I imagine that it would work much like the /addbuddy command, where it would store the banned people in a text file. Although I'm not entirely sure how it would work.
What if they want to say sorry?

Or they won't bother you, they just want to have fun.

You already can, it's called an IP ban, the only problem is I don't know how to find the ip of the person, but when you do, just ban the ip number, then kick the guy
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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I believe the banlist is cleared when the server is closed, this would include ip bans.
By the way, you can view their ip with the command /status
I'm really not sure why you're so against it. The standard banning would still be there so that's still an option. The permaban would be for people who did something serious enough you'd never want to play with them again.

And as to just banning them again, it really becomes a nuisance after awhile, it'd just be for convenience reasons.
Originally Posted by PlataBear View Post
Because it would slow down severs like crazy, they would need to remember each and every ip that has been banned, and it would stack really really fast

That's why I suggested that they be saved in a text file like the buddy list.
Although I suppose if the person had banned a ridiculous amount of people it might be able to slow things down.