Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Create Incentive for Veterans to Play
Pretty simple suggestion: there's nothing really appealing out there for people to earn in Toribash once they've hit 20,000 Qi. It's clear that this lack of promotional opportunities for Veteran players has an impact in their activity, or complete lack thereof.

The closest thing custom belts can talk about "achieving" or "earning" in Toribash is of course "God Belt"; however, that small cosmetic change isn't enough because custom belts can simply change their belt name on a whim to "God Belt" without any problem. That, and one three letter word is hardly a consolation for 30,000 more games to be played.

If you're here to agree or disagree that this is in fact an issue, please post. Additionally, this thread could be used to brainstorm suggestions for what exactly would serve as an incentive for Custom Belts to keep playing.

Some "stream of consciousness" suggestions from the top of my head:

1) Exclusive colors for 30,000/40,000/50,000 games played.
2) Custom made 3D Objects for 30k/40k/50k games played.

It's fiscally reasonable to create incentive for players to move on for thousands and thousands more games. The longer they stay here in Toribash, the more likely they'll throw money at the game. And although it'll never happen under the current people who are in charge of this- it'd be leaps and bounds better if these Objects/etc. can't in anyway be purchased or transferred.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Oct 18, 2014 at 01:23 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post
And/or QI restriction tournaments and events. The QI restriction rooms are a joke atm, the Ultimate servers served a purpose unlike any public servers today: finding people with some experience and enjoy the game with them.

The qi restricted rooms are never used. Maybe if we saw them used more often, more would be made, or at least we would make servers that require more qi. Also, if you want to make suggestions on servers, shoot me a pm.

To stay on topic. I believe that people who have been playing for a long time, and earned their belts, should be rewarded somehow. Maybe we don't give them items, or tc, but we can definitely make a custom 3d item. I support the idea, but not the original idea. There can definitely be a system devised to reward high qi players. I still support this idea.
A hasbeen like the rest
i would not start playing again untill there will be new gameplay features to explore and master and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one like that. i play the game for the gameplay itself, right now i've seen most of it.

only when new refreshing features will be out, people will start coming back to try it out and master them. no items/tc boosters/cosmetics is any interesting for those who seen it all.

variety is the king.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
The qi restricted rooms are never used. Maybe if we saw them used more often, more would be made, or at least we would make servers that require more qi. Also, if you want to make suggestions on servers, shoot me a pm.

Either you haven't been online for the past 3 years, or you joined recently. If you have any statistics what so ever on how the Wushu rooms were occupied or simply ask one of those who frequently used them, they will tell you are simply wrong in that statement. For some of the other QI-restrictin rooms you are however right, but saying that W8 were always empty during euro-peak is borderline lying.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
I even saw Begotten there, and I play once in every transitional year. XD

Not to mention the plague called RelaxAll! (No disrespect meant, actually it is a compliment )
Originally Posted by snake View Post
i would not start playing again untill there will be new gameplay features to explore and master and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one like that. i play the game for the gameplay itself, right now i've seen most of it.

only when new refreshing features will be out, people will start coming back to try it out and master them. no items/tc boosters/cosmetics is any interesting for those who seen it all.

variety is the king.

Then i will like to divert your attention to this little idea V

Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
So, yeah, I've had this idea for a few years now. This new gamemode would consist of players recording various moves (kicks, punches) and states (standing, crouching, jumping, moving to either side) in regular Toribash for use in a side-view fighting mode.

The camera would be fixed to one side, like old 2D fighting games. Pre-recorded moves could be executed with a limited amount of buttons on the keyboard. This could potentionally be made into a 2 player hotseat mode as well as online multiplayer. Moves would have a default state they would have to be launched from (example: a standing kick would have to be made from a standing position, and it would have to be made from that pose in the first place during recording.).

I have a great deal of experience with these types of games, I used to work on content for a game engine called MUGEN. Toribash itself would be ideal for a game like that, with the customizable moves and whatnot.

I'm not confident in my LUA (or general programming) skills to make this happen, though. While I might be able to make this thing a reality in a few years, I'm putting this out here in case someone is interested with the required skillset in the meantime.

C&C welcome.

To witch I replied with my own additions and fixes to the idea V

Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
I like the concept but consider the funding behind the idea you proposed. this would mean a whole new game concept or at the minimum another tab added to the start screen. but the money it would require and also the time that it will take to program/ reprogram the game then send it out in a new update has me a little skeptical. But i like the idea as a whole it would maybe even be another incentive to veterans. To provide a new totally different challenge for them to master. they can make up moves it would be like an fighting game with a infinitely large character pool and move pool.

To add to your idea Under the Tab option that would be under the main menu there should be a Single player option where the CPU is loaded with random moves that the GameMakers would load into its move pool and you can use your custom made moves or some standard moves that the Makers could add to your tori's move pool as default. There should be the Multiplayer option which is self-explanitory. Then there should be a Move Maker tab Were the Player can Make custom Moves, add hotkeys, and even Name them. When they are made they are saved to the list of moves and their hotkeys that should be accessible through the in game pause screen.

Thats my idea about how the design should go.

Also i think that the Currency for that game and the current one should be attached but not the items again giving people more of a reason to throw money at the game. They could buy things like the colors and joints that you see in the normal game but in their 2D perspectives. The player would win TC for each multyplayer win like normal but I think it should be at a smaller amount per win as to not overpower the orginal games favor like 5tc per win instead of 10 like the normal booster-less game brings. I do believe that boosters should be transferable between these two games but the boosters value is cut in half if you play the 2d version. This way It wont over power the orginal game and if it comes down to a Computer Vs Mobile thing it will even out the favor (Phones are pretty much becoming small computers).

I really dont know how it would play out but if it ever was accepted these are the ideas i would recommend. If you would like some more ideas about this because this has me intrigued just ask.

I think this would be a great way for old members to come back and have something totally and completely new to this game to play and master. it would even have some pretty cool features and gameplay. This new style of toribash could easily be attached to the current game as another game mode after the general programming is finished. There could be new items added to the shop specifically for this gamemode that would not be inter-changable between games new things could be introduced such as clothing along with the ability to add textures to said items giving artists a new canvas to produce amazing and eye popping art. It would be hard to pull off and in the long run would possibly be in one of the most game changing updates this game will have ever seen. If you think this is something long time members have been looking for as a stimuli to return to gameplay, or you just like the idea as a whole go to this link http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=484702
Last edited by Fates; Oct 17, 2014 at 06:31 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
I don't really support this idea, because of the players who will farm QI just for some shitty items, or they will just waster their money to buy QI for some X items. This is just my opinion...
Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post
Either you haven't been online for the past 3 years, or you joined recently. If you have any statistics what so ever on how the Wushu rooms were occupied or simply ask one of those who frequently used them, they will tell you are simply wrong in that statement. For some of the other QI-restrictin rooms you are however right, but saying that W8 were always empty during euro-peak is borderline lying.

There are 420 players online atm and all the blackbelt rooms are empty.
Yes, there were moments when people used to come to those ultimate rooms but they only happened like once a day which is not enough to keep a static room.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Make blackbelt rooms 15 or lower reactiontime and give 20 TC/win if you'd like to see them used more often.

Lower reaction time? Some people like it others hate it, I especially hate it in a mod like Wushu or TK.
How about a reward for going up a belt? A small one of course.
For example:
White>Yellow = 5 tc
Yellow>Orange = 10 tc
Orange>Green = 15 tc
Green>Blue = 50 tc
Blue > brown = 75 tc
Brown > Black = 100 tc

Then after that you could have N*100 tc. Where N = number of dans.

So, 1st > 2nd = 200
2nd > 3rd = 300
3rd > 4th = 400
etc. etc.

Master belts would then get 10k, Custom belts 20k, god belts 50k, and so on and so on.
Just a thought that popped into my head. Criticism is expected.