Weekend Bash
Original Post
KenGee's replay thread of Cookies
Hey guys, I just recently started playing Toribash again and got into replay making again so bear with me until I get everything back together lol. Here's a replay that I just touched up and made it into a 6dm boom hit. C&C appreciated.
Attached Files
KenGee- KG Power.rpl (248.4 KB, 53 views)
That is an amazing boom hit you got there.
The opener was something I haven't seen before.
There was some stiffness, but nothing you could really notice without pure focus.

Other than that, this replay is fantastic!

My rating:

i remember this replay also hi
pretty sure that is a 5 dm boom, but regardless its a pretty impressive one. looking forward to your new stuff
oh yeah
Hai dood

replay is op good

ghosting at frames 387-385 kinda made it look bad, but thats the only bad thing about it

everything else is op majestic

10/8 cuz 2 gr8 for me m8 no h8
Heart of Gold
Thanks guys, well here's a replay I just finished a couple of days ago. Enjoy! I felt pretty good about this one.
Attached Files
KenGee- After Life.rpl (170.0 KB, 47 views)
I know dat feels :l

Anyway, opener was awesome. Split kick looked awkward, boomhit after was awesome

You still haven't lost your skillz bruh
Heart of Gold
Thanks B4CK. Not even lmao. I'm not as good as I was before I still have trouble with some things. Requesting more C&C please.
wow that punch was pretty epic, punching is hard and annoying to do but that was blazing
i really like how fast that split looks, it almost makes your tori look motivated to destroy uke
i really dont have much negative stuff to say about the replay. i think the opener looked a bit hold-y for a moment, when you had to push your body by extending your leg. your tori looked like it was struggling for a bit there, i usually like to see tori move with no difficulty, but thats barely a nitpick. nice job
oh yeah