Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[WAPOW] Chitty Chat Yo (invades welcome)
WAPOW's Public Chit Chat Thread

This is the thread where you can just talk about stuff and plan to meet eachother ingame and all that good stuff.

Invades are welcome!


1. Be respectful and nice, no flaming or anything offensive please!
2. Please dont post anything sexual or mature. Think of the children!
3. Apart from that, common sense and global rules apply.
Last edited by Swepples; Nov 1, 2016 at 11:58 PM.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Yay! A new chit chat thread, how lovely.

Good Job, Flamesmash, but as everyone needs to know that rules should be followed.

Now let's get chatting, LOL.

The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
I was against this idea for months, but then I gave in and said - Flamesmash go ahead and make the Chit Chat Thread.

Our Main Thread should reflect the public history of this clan.
It should not be filled with warm wishes, self aggrandizing and useless chitty chat about this and that.

So now, we have a place to talk about whatever, and yes Invades are quite welcome to post their silly 'I love WAPOW' or 'Hey guys' or 'Good luck' messages or whatever.
BTW, I will be somewhat informal here and speak my mind if you please.

Thanks again for the congrats on my 500th post.
I usually take my time and choose my words carefully and say what I think is important.

Also, as this has not been lately mentioned, there is a "Big Book of Krulls' Kuotes" on the table.
Flamesmash is managing it and currently has five different publishers vying for the rights to publish XD.

First Hello WAPOW ! Im honored to be your fresh blood !

Smart solution ! A tight forum are to everyones gain.
And for me perfect timing, now I have a thread I can go yabbing at even before I get myself read up on the other threads !
[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Oh, I'm glad this exists! So is this sort of the off-topic thread of WAPOW's board?
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
Thanx JayXManHD man, I will truly try_ !

Boerhare, yes I think we can call it that 8 J
[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"

Yeah thats basically it xD also if people invade we dont really want them to post on the main thread so we will move their posts here if they do
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
nice move, smart thread..... Order and topic trueness are vital for a good forum!
N btw I won my 3 first fights [aikidobigdojo public, but 5th n 10th dan guys], with my WAPOW sign ! Actually gives me pressure to perform now after dinner.....
N then im gona customise my clantextures 8J
[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"