Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Advanced fighting style option
So I was in a betting server just sitting back and admiring all the bets, even betting some Tc a little, then an idea came to me while someone made an outstanding save, what if toribash had more movement options. Then here came the idea, Toribash could have traits for each movement option, such as the following;
Strong Extend/Contract
Slowly Extend/Contract

Fast Raise/Lower
Slow Raise/Lower

There should also be an check box in the option/settings to toggle this on and off, preferably wanted to be called "Advanced fighting style".

All of these movements are self explanitory and if the scripters want to create it then they can interperate it how ever they want to. So what did you think of this idea?
Last edited by Lazors; Sep 25, 2015 at 09:02 AM.
oh no not another joint power option

there should also be an check box in the option/settings to toggle this on and off


the game is fine the way it is, to get more precise movements go play sp
Nah..... Toribash doesn't need to change. It could make somethings weird and mess it up and what not. This is honestly a stupid idea imo. Toribash in-game play should not be changed at all, espically joint-wise. The most in-game changes they could really change is like mods and the look of it. And as light said, you can basically do this easily in spars/sp. Just raise it for like 3-7 frames and then relax it and it will raise slowly. Same for extending and contracting joints. So yeah, not supported

Ok so finally someone suggested this idea as OPTIONAL and not as a add on. I would be ok with something like that being optional where if you want to use the advanced style in some servers that's your choice but other than that I see no reason to change anything about the controls of the game.

Lazors Moderated Message:
We have a whole segment regarding OPTIONAL in the rules.
Last edited by Lazors; Sep 25, 2015 at 07:47 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Similar to what fates said The only place I could honestly see this being used is in a spar or pk maybe in some aikido rooms so like "AJAkido" that Would be the advanced joint room and you'd also just have regular that way it's not forced on everyone when most such as myself would only find it useful in spars and pk
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
so instead of zxcv you would have to use zxcvbnml
what about people who click?
what about people who use scroll wheel?
Originally Posted by imaSlayaa View Post
so instead of zxcv you would have to use zxcvbnml
what about people who click?
what about people who use scroll wheel?

Well, "strong" extend/contract force would be the same as the current force. This would just add a weaker joint state, it wouldn't interfere with how you play the game.
Unless you're arguing that it will be unfair because everyone isn't using the same control method, in which case i can only say that advantages in game come to those who are more skilled in using them. You can either learn to use your method of control or adapt to the new states. Your choice.

Whenever a game-changing idea like this comes up people like to say "Toribash is fine as it is" etc. Sure, it works just like it should, but we should discuss ways to improve it instead of being satisfied with what it is.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I believe this should be done as a test run maybe. See how people react to this new ability as an optional setting if all goes well THEN maybe tag some new offical mods with it and go from there.

Edit: Just saw your message lazors. I'll take a read on that section in a few.
Last edited by Fates; Sep 25, 2015 at 08:15 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
I'm not 100% sure why we would want to. If we change it too much it could become shit, it's happened with a lot of games. If we change it and change it, then toribash won't be as fun as it is now