Originally Posted by Veoo View Post
I got infracted for saying "thanks man "

So I guess I have to say something else:

Thanks man its really awesome, how do you get that smooth realistic feel, my art always seems to be cartoony (I use cs6 and usually only 1 brush about size 2)

Thanks. I can see where your coming from but I like the brown color it reminds me of magma color and seems like partially dried blood :V

Comes from practice i suppose, no real secret haha. Just try blending the colors and use a lot references where ever possible.
Changed some basic stuff for wip 2, I'm kind of scared of the part of me that came up with this kind of head D:


CNC need ideas for expanding the rest of the head!

Originally Posted by Pheature View Post
Comes from practice i suppose, no real secret haha. Just try blending the colors and use a lot references where ever possible.

Is smudging ok



Last edited by Veoo; Jul 21, 2016 at 01:21 AM.
i think the highlights on the face could use some refining. i don't like the "painty" texture.

i also dont think the blood on the mouth should look like that, more specifically the drops under the nose.

i haven't seen this done yet, but i'd love to see a chelsea smile head either on this head or by you at some point.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
adding onto what nagato said about the blood, take a look at this:

nose - blood warning

as you can see the blood kinda wraps round the nose, instead of going straight down

talking about this area

Originally Posted by Surge View Post
adding onto what nagato said about the blood, take a look at this:

nose - blood warning

as you can see the blood kinda wraps round the nose, instead of going straight down

talking about this area

But there is no nose

Its been torn off
oh i see, i feel like you could still move out that little bit of blood so it doesn't blend so much with the nostril (or lack of nostril?)
Tried to fix some of the things in that were problematic in the previous wip,

Wip 3 is mostly a mapping update though, so Ill display it not as a flat but as a screenie (I'm still eh on the ingame look tbh)



Last edited by Veoo; Jul 21, 2016 at 02:49 AM.
The head as a whole so far is really nice i like the look of it a lot. The only problem is the nose... its really lacking, and is also shaped weird throws off the look of the head.
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