Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Would you rather...
We play a little game. Here's how it works:
1. Answer the question above and explain why you chose your answer.
2. Form a question starting with "would you rather..."
and two options: A and B.

I'll start

Would you rather A: have an eyelash sized dick
or B: have dick sized eyelashes?
evil Führer of Evil
I'd rather option B because i can just cut them c;

Would you rather
A: eat 10 nails or
B: put 9 nails up your butt?
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
Definitely A bc I wanna be this guy:

Would you rather
A. Use sandpaper instead of toilet paper for the rest of your life or
B. Have the face of a blobfish
evil Führer of Evil
Option A because I already have pain there so it wont be much a difference C; and i could buy smooth sandpaper c;

Would you rather
A: Cut off all of your fingers or
B: Cut off all of your toes.
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
B because I can still walk without toes but life without fingers is hell.

what you rather:

A: leave your friends or
B: stop using internet for life.


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
Originally Posted by Chintu View Post
B because I can still walk without toes but life without fingers is hell.

what you rather:

A: leave your friends or
B: stop using internet for life.

Prob B, because i would still be able to contact them via Internet, unless the "leave" word is metaphorical and not literal, if that is the case, than i would pick A. + You make new friends your whole life... So who cares (depending on the relationship you have with your friends.).

Would you rather:
A:Have a small sized dick tattooed on your forehead(never being allowed to put make up on it)?
B: Have a giant sized dick tattooed on your arm (like a full dick sleeve, and also, without the possibility of make-up usage)?
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

B because it will be easier to hide using shirt sleeves. also a small dick tattoo on the forehead would be stupid and difficult to hide (imagine wearing a head band 24x7).

would you rather:

A: kill yourself or
B: press a button and have random 10,000 people die?


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
B. I'll press the button twice cuz I'm a maniac.

Would you rather:

A. Have pizza for every meal for the rest of your life
B. Have the ability to teleport to a random spot in Germany
evil Führer of Evil
B. Because I dont have to use it, and i'd die of obesity from A. and get tired of pizza in a couple years

Would You Rather

A: Trip every couple steps you walk
B: Have no legs
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
B: because tripping every couple steps would suck.

would you rather:

A: prevent World War 2 or
B: win a life changing amount of money in a lottery?


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •