Original Post
Favorite Clan
What is your favorite clan that has been, or is in the game? Also why are they your favorite clan? Try to be creative and not just say the clan you're in if you're in a clan. XD

My favorite clan would be Embers because it was originally Megalomania and was the first clan I joined that actually meant something to me. I was a co-leader in the clan by the end and was close to the leader, kidzero. I learned a lot about things in that clan with the other players and was one of the star players for the clan. :3
These threads should be moved to wibbles in my opinion..

Anyways..*cough*[Yes]*cough* Duck ofc!!
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Well I think of things like this being an off-topic thing, and I never understood what wobble really was for I also don't think I can move it at this point anyways.
Ronin - because its a clan for people to start joining clans, lots of people had my tag, then found bigger clans, because most clans dont take in people who dont have been in a clan or dont have a reference.

MAD - it has only three members and is practically dead, but is the OG clan
Parrot is p cool, but inq is actually the og
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.

Urban had so many toribash icons. None of them ever failed to impress me with their original replays. OG replay creating demons - Ultimately makes for a Legendary clan.

Evo's one of the oldest clans with some of the most loyal memebers of the community. Clan history is very unique and collectively has at least one very talented member for every aspect of the game, from art to multiplayer (In my opinion). Eddy and Tripstone judge people based on who they are both in and outside the game to determine who gets in, resulting in all members having true friendships with each other instead of just doing their own thing and wearing the clan tag only for glory.

Fl0w's clan board is more organised then that of any other clan I've seen. It shows they have mature members that care about the way people see them. With a distinct play style and members that play major roles in bringing activity to the community, they're a perfect example of how all clans should be and I always looked up to them collectively because of this.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*