I've read a lot of great points, but simply putting, the reason toribash is fun, is because it isn't easy. It isn't new, it's old. But it's old in a way that pulls players to keep grinding, to learn and move. To be something and make something of themselves. And you can say whatever you want about people not caring about the legends and shit, but people spent real time on this, and for some, this game is a part of their childhood, and they made real friends. This isn't a 3D animation software, this is a game. Games need a proper challenge.

Honestly, do you think anyone would stay without the grind? This game gives people the opportunity to truly practice, and to feel satisfaction after nailing it. And the controls may not be the bee's knees, but it's a hell of a lot better than some "drag and click" control scheme because it's what every player has learned. And the fact that we can learn, that makes it worth it. You can't blame people not wanting change because they've wasted hours into the game, even though many honestly have because it is not just that. Everyone was a beginner at one point, but after so long, you aren't a beginner, you get better.

The reason no one wants the change is that the community, which in some parts is more of a family (Shoutout to my AS fam <3), is built around the grind, and the feeling of accomplishment you get out of the grind. We would have a really shitty community if every 12 year old stuck around.

I'm not saying TBN shouldn't get a new control system, but I definitely don't think "drag and click" simulator is a good fit for TBN.