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Upgrade tori control system | IK controls
In my opinion to upgrade tori control system developers should make something work similar to Maya 3d animation but with physics. I just want to say that it would be better to control tori by pulling parts of the body during turns. Watch this video and think about this idea
Why it will upgrade toribash. You will have more precision. You will be able to have more control of your tori. Will be better to play mods. Just will be easier. You will be able to make more moves. I know it hard to make again tori control system but it will give to you more capabilities. I would like to see this system in toribash. Are you agree with my idea?

Lengthy post from snake

Example from cappuccino
Last edited by sir; Jan 17, 2018 at 05:18 PM. Reason: Uptade
adding small rng would help. it would add risk and using a script to do your openers wouldnt be a thing anymore
art horder. i like art.
mod requests:
Originally Posted by Hezk View Post
adding small rng would help. it would add risk and using a script to do your openers wouldnt be a thing anymore

i hope you are trolling about rng, even in the iteration i propose there will be quite alot of uncertainty on resolve phase already...

anyway to sum up the visual representation of how it should look like:

the windrose control element is attached to our hand, we grab it to make the movement with our hand

while holding windrose control element, we drag our hand to the desired position like this:

the ghost follows us from initial position to --> the desired position like this:
(nevermind the boxes, it's supposed to be no collision)

Last edited by snake; Jan 11, 2018 at 11:23 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Example of its mechanics while in reaction time:
  • No collision mode.
  • Torus surrounding the wrist would allow rotation on the X local axis.

Once space is pressed, the movement goes along the desired amount of turnframes (I used 50 on the example).
It may or not finish its animation on given turnframes.

These mechanics would only work for arms and legs though.
magnificent!! exactly as imagined!

so, dear comrades, as you can see the only keystrokes this control scheme will need are collision/no collision (hold shift while making a move for example) and grab


this is the most streamlined and simple to understand system imo, i'm not sure it can be simplified even further
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
honestly idk if i like that the solid tori goes where you move it, as opposed to the ghost showing the future

really gives the wrong impression about how you move i feel. especially apparent when you see tori hitting the object

i'd probably prefer similar to how it currently is - you command the tori to move somewhere and the ghost shows its predicted movement over the next couple of frames, assuming that you aren't interfered with by the other player

also, one thing that stands out to me about this is you'd have to move around your camera a lot to use only this to move your tori

i still think this should be implemented in conjunction with more standard controls. hover or click to select, scroll to select a joint state, and maybe shift+scroll to define the velocity as a proportion of maxvelocity you want to move with. (you could even simplify hold and relax to just relax - where actually being held is 0% and relax is 100%)

with both of those, an advanced player could quickly and easily move their tori better than either on their own imo
welp not really, you don't need much camera movement as you have a windrose with axises, it's presented top bottom just for the simplicity of demo, to showcase the idea behind
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
When I joined this game 9 years ago I had anticipated the control scheme being just as described in this thread. I fully support this being the control scheme for tb next. It would drastically decrease the learning curve, and would help with player retention. The reason I joined was to be able to do cool flips and shit while destroying other ragdolls, like in all the decent toribash videos on youtube. Stuff that makes doing that easier makes the game more attractive and enjoyable for the average person.
i think that body should work out in 2 nodes, top and bottom

to jump - drag the top up on z axis

to squat - grab bottom and move it down,

to bend/crouch - grab the top, so the torso will bend

should work rather fine, may be there is a way to simplify it even more, but i think this solution will do
Last edited by snake; Feb 18, 2018 at 10:48 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
i think it could work. there is an old game called roboforge. you used to make a robot give it moves then program it to fight. the way you taught it to fight was move a limb take a picture then retract it and take another. i alway thought it would be more intuitive with a control scheme like this. I'm all for smoothing out the learning curve so people stop fighting the game. with this in place perhaps modding in extra turn or spin axis could be possible. it would be interesting to see move saver and this combined.