Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Adjustments to the Toricredits board
Good afternoon everyone,

After another bout of lengthy discussion and in-depth planning behind-the-scenes the Market Squad has made two important new additions to the Toricredits board functions and policy.

What are these changes?

Functionality improvement.
  • Once a thread has been posted for five days in the Toricredits board the thread is closed and moved to a dump board.

This additional function has been added so that the team can monitor TC sources that our sellers receive on a regular basis.

Policy addition.

The Market Squad will no longer allow Verified TC Sellers to act as a middleman service for users who aren't verified (or even those who are verified).

If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to post here or directly contact a member of the team found on this list.

Happy marketing guys!
You're only butthurt because you can't mine profits for yourself. Go become an Verified Tc Seller instead and stop complaining where there's no need to complain
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
If anything they shouldn't have let users sell tc in the first place.

Market Squad members should be the only ones allowed to sell tc in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
It's funny how you say the game is ruined but this game wasn't created for people to mine the currency and sell it. Just sayin.

Mining TC was never mentioned, and has no relation to these changes. What are you talking about?
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
You're only butthurt because you can't mine profits for yourself. Go become an Verified Tc Seller instead and stop complaining where there's no need to complain

lmao what

These new rules do a couple things, and none of which benefit the community:
1. Requires sellers to remake a thread after every five days, giving sellers more work to do.
2. Prevents sellers from creating a reputation as a longtime or trusted seller. Would you buy TC from someone who made the thread within the last day with no posts, or a thread that has been up for months with several dozens posts from previous buyers?
3. Does not allow players to cash out their TC AT ALL if they do not meet the requirements to become a verified seller, which reduces the motivation for some players to keep playing the game. Some people play the game to make money. If there is no possible way of doing this, they leave, which hurts the game.
4. Prevents sellers from providing a service, selling TC on someone else's behalf, that really benefits everyone. It's common practice for players in online games to offer brokering services to others out of kindness or as an additional means of earning revenue. The whole purpose of a separate board and verified sellers is to make it safer and easier to buy TC. No one who rightfully deserves the title of verified seller would risk their title or their account to launder TC from those who obtained it through illegal means.

and as a side note, McFarbo does not mine for TC, Prince does.
Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
If anything they shouldn't have let users sell tc in the first place.

Market Squad members should be the only ones allowed to sell tc in my opinion.

"i want the people in power to be the only ones allowed to provide us with a product AND let them decide the value and rarity of that product

it was a mistake giving us the right to buy from who we want"

Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Between four people (three who actively moderate), yeah, it’s unreasonably difficult to monitor on top of our other duties – so we’re making you copy/paste an OP every five days.

If you want us to consider removing the function maybe you should apply and volunteer to do the work yourself!

put me in coach. I'd gladly sacrifice literally a couple minutes of my time each day to moderate one of the smallest and least busiest sub-forums if it means other users could have the freedom to provide the service of selling TC on behalf of others or the ability establish a reputation by means of a longstanding thread/shop.
Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
If anything they shouldn't have let users sell tc in the first place.

Market Squad members should be the only ones allowed to sell tc in my opinion.

Funny, coming from the guy who gloats about how much money he has to spend on TC.

And I think that's a terrible idea, mainly because a lot of the 'good players' still play because they are able to at least make some money off this game.

Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
You're only butthurt because you can't mine profits for yourself. Go become an Verified Tc Seller instead and stop complaining where there's no need to complain

I'm butthurt because I earned my TC through months of dueling, and TC buying know-it-alls like you think they can have an opinion.

Shmevin really hit the nail on the head, and as he stated I don't 'mine tc'. The people who mine tc are already verified sellers.
Love the sentence of

"TC buying know-it-alls like you"

Considering i've put in more time than you probably ever will into marketing art and items, and the countless hours put into it. But i'm also considering the fact that you don't know that since it's been a few years since i quit. In any case, i do agree with both you and Shmevin on the negative aspects of these new regulations/changes to some degrees, especially on the 1-4 pointers Shmevin brought up. (also would more than gladly accept Shmevin as the role leader to check up on this to have it in a better way)

And i kinda meant with the "You're only butthurt because you can't mine profits for yourself"

That if you now have put down so much work into dueling and marketing or whatever, should be able to already be verified. In whatever scenario, didn't mean anything bad by it.

Whatevers, hopefully we can sometime get a more comunity driven thing out of this with people like Shmevin to run it, since it also takes a load off the Administrators and underlings from there.

(and also improves the whole aspect of Tc being a profitable and side thing to "work" with or to have a fun time doing shit around.)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
At the end of the day, everyone is going to find a way around it if they are motivated enough to do so, and anyone that is making money out of a videogame is, and will, be motivated enough to do so.

These changes are just temporary plugs to annoy people further, what is really the point in them- other than to tick boxes and say ‘yeah we’ve addressed that now’ so you can leave it to wither away again. Adding more ways of making TC selling harder will just make the work-arounds more dodgy and damaging, you’re asking for your own problems here.
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb
Hilarious how even in one of the best Market-related decisions people still manage to find absolutely weird negative sides.

Gonna break some things up:
These new rules do a couple things, and none of which benefit the community:
1. Requires sellers to remake a thread after every five days, giving sellers more work to do.

Yeah, copy-pasting your earlier thread that you still can see in an archive board is definitely a heavy burden. Smh market squad ruining it!!!
2. Prevents sellers from creating a reputation as a longtime or trusted seller. Would you buy TC from someone who made the thread within the last day with no posts, or a thread that has been up for months with several dozens posts from previous buyers?

That's literally the reason why we have verified sellers. Game staff check their sources of TC to ensure that regular users do not have to. Better for those who want to buy TC, better for those who want to sell TC because there's no way someone with shady TC starts selling at super low rates.
3. Does not allow players to cash out their TC AT ALL if they do not meet the requirements to become a verified seller, which reduces the motivation for some players to keep playing the game. Some people play the game to make money. If there is no possible way of doing this, they leave, which hurts the game.

All you have to do to get verified is not be a scammer, have TC which source you can explain and be able to read and follow rules. Super hard, how could we come up with that. Right?
4. Prevents sellers from providing a service, selling TC on someone else's behalf, that really benefits everyone. It's common practice for players in online games to offer brokering services to others out of kindness or as an additional means of earning revenue. The whole purpose of a separate board and verified sellers is to make it safer and easier to buy TC. No one who rightfully deserves the title of verified seller would risk their title or their account to launder TC from those who obtained it through illegal means.

Player A gets verified, Player B doesn't because they get TC through betting rigs, decapprize rigs, scamming people and sometimes abusing shop exploits. Player B sends TC to Player A to sell, who don't get an additional check because they're assumed to be "clean", but then someone reports Player B who gets banned - and we need to take out all the TC they managed to sell through Player A. Yeah, that sure benefits the community. How could we even decide to prohibit that?

Toribash still has and will have an open market, but Market Squad are going to keep making sure it's safe for use for any player and that malicious users get restrictions depending on their actions and have less ways to scam others.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Hilarious how even in one of the best Market-related decisions people still manage to find absolutely weird negative sides.

Gonna break some things up:

Yeah, copy-pasting your earlier thread that you still can see in an archive board is definitely a heavy burden. Smh market squad ruining it!!!

My question is, how is having to open a new thread every 5 days going to make anyones job any easier? Market Squad is still going to monitor active users the only difference is the dead threads are gone. Market squad could just not check thread that havent had a reply in a week, see absolutely no point in this.

That's literally the reason why we have verified sellers. Game staff check their sources of TC to ensure that regular users do not have to. Better for those who want to buy TC, better for those who want to sell TC because there's no way someone with shady TC starts selling at super low rates.

Agreeing with Shmevin on this point as well, to say all verified sellers are on the same level is stupid, some players had a reputation of better rates and quickers times, etc and it could be displayed through their long term thread

Player A gets verified, Player B doesn't because they get TC through betting rigs, decapprize rigs, scamming people and sometimes abusing shop exploits. Player B sends TC to Player A to sell, who don't get an additional check because they're assumed to be "clean", but then someone reports Player B who gets banned - and we need to take out all the TC they managed to sell through Player A. Yeah, that sure benefits the community. How could we even decide to prohibit that?

If any one player makes enough TC through scamming to find a middleman to sell their TC that's literally just a shitty job from staff members, no player should be capable of making 50k+ through scamming if staff keeps up with their jobs so this is all preventable and redundant

You're seriously just stretching to ensure people who have scammed 1 time in 6 months(?) don't sell TC and then treating it like there's a community of people who just make millions of TC just off scamming when it's not that all. Both of these new policies are useless.
Last edited by w0t; Jun 28, 2018 at 07:27 PM.
Originally Posted by w0t View Post
You're seriously just stretching to ensure people who have scammed 1 time in 6 months(?) don't sell TC

You shouldn't scam in the first place. Not once in 6 months.

and then treating it like there's a community of people who just make millions of TC just off scamming when it's not that all. Both of these new policies are useless.

That's exactly what happened before