Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Upgrade tori control system | IK controls
In my opinion to upgrade tori control system developers should make something work similar to Maya 3d animation but with physics. I just want to say that it would be better to control tori by pulling parts of the body during turns. Watch this video and think about this idea
Why it will upgrade toribash. You will have more precision. You will be able to have more control of your tori. Will be better to play mods. Just will be easier. You will be able to make more moves. I know it hard to make again tori control system but it will give to you more capabilities. I would like to see this system in toribash. Are you agree with my idea?

Lengthy post from snake

Example from cappuccino
Last edited by sir; Jan 17, 2018 at 05:18 PM. Reason: Uptade
I honestly liked the idea and followed the thread a bit. I don't know why someone wouldn't want to freely move his joints since they'd feel so realistic
Na sahi kuch magar itna to kiya karte the
Wo mujhe dekh ke pehchan liya karte the
Well to me this would be the dream all tge beginner players would want cuz it makes tb a lot easier to play.. But i personaly dont support this. First of all, this idea wouldn't work with most of the mods cuz you have to keep in mind that there are lots of mods with weird gravity. The second one is, i think it'll just take away tb's uniqueness. The click joints to move is what makes tb unique i mean even minibash had the drag to move style. Plus gaining momentum would be hard and also i agree that the tb learning curve is one of the most insane in any game cuz you'll need to play atleast 4 years to be an average pro player. But with the drag to move you dont really feel appreciated enough when you've reached a pro level because you know that there's a white belt out there who can do as well as you. Tb is like real life martial arts beginners will feel intimidated when all the sudden there's a 9th dan black belt steps foot inside the dojo
Originally Posted by MrSofty View Post
I honestly liked the idea and followed the thread a bit. I don't know why someone wouldn't want to freely move his joints since they'd feel so realistic

ikr, new toribash, new improved controls!

Originally Posted by GWKfighter View Post
Well to me this would be the dream all tge beginner players would want cuz it makes tb a lot easier to play..

Originally Posted by snake View Post
you will have bottlenecks with any kind of control scheme to get things exactly how you like, thats inevitable

i would like to give an example but not about toribash but about text editors

the core idea of a text editor is to create and edit text
thats the "gameplay" of the editor

some text editors have simple interface, like ms notepad for example, some are more complex, like notepad++, some are really heavy like vim or emacs

these are all text editors, and they all have writing/editing text as it's core "gameplay"

the only difference in the interface

for example notepad is supposed to be the easiest of them, right?
err nope

emacs and notepad have similar interface, but emacs allows you to do much more if you wish to explore it

so making a substitution in specific range is easy in emacs, while notepad can't do it at all,

then again there are people who are just using emacs, and those who are experts in it

the way they use it is similar, but experts know how to use all these juicy features avaiable to them, while novices just use the basic functionality, which is similar to notepad

but in the very end it all boils down to writing text, and not just typing words, but person's creativity and his ability to put words in sentences

one could write i luv punies
and the other could be a Shakespeare

and it doesn't matter if the one used the lastest avaiable digital editor on the market, or if he uses a feather and ink

the bottleneck is not in ability to write words or sentences, but in the mind and creativity of the person

i hope this comparison would help

we can surely talk about the nature of creativity and how creativity is bound to presence of limitations in some other thread, but believe, even if the new system will be flawless there going to be enough limitations to spark creativity, just because it is impossible to have a perfect control scheme that will translate whats on your mind to a computer, and even if there was, not all minds are brilliant

thats the main point i would like to get across

Originally Posted by GWKfighter View Post
But i personaly dont support this. First of all, this idea wouldn't work with most of the mods cuz you have to keep in mind that there are lots of mods with weird gravity.

gravity/environment is irrelevant for the control scheme.

Originally Posted by GWKfighter View Post
The second one is, ... cuz you'll need to play atleast 4 years to be an average pro player. But with the drag to move you dont really feel appreciated enough when you've reached a pro level because you know that there's a white belt out there who can do as well as you.

^ salty sunk time fallacy

the fact that you wasted 4 years mastering the controls does not mean that everyone else should just because you did.

you can't expect this from people in 2k18, when achieving much more is much easier in specialized 3d modeling/animation software, while it's beyond insane in a game.

if i discovered toribash today, i would not play it, as the control scheme is just broken. why would i waste years to figure out how to walk, if i can do the same in 5 minutes in blender?...

also, i wish people could have bothered to read the thread before replying, as i've answered the same sunk time fallacy questions numerous times already
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
The reason why people keep saying the same thing over and over again is because that is the point.

Anyways, toribash is like real life.. you can't change what has been made. You can't run before you can walk. And in the earlier post i read you(snake) said "why do you care about the legends anyways you're not even one of them" or something like that. And i think that's just bullcrap i mean srsly you're just being rude for saying that, they're legends they have earned people's respect thats like saying why do you respect the beatles? Lol idk probably because they have done so many things to improve the music industry. And what do you mean the legends have nothing to do about the gameplay? Lol what about swexx or largekilla? Both of them got the legend roles because they made insane replays and have amazing controls over their tori. Thats another point i want to prove, i mean just imagine if the new system is applied to the game, then the legends would just not be appreciated anymore since anyone can do what they did. Like srsly imagine if you're able to fight like binklawz and everyone is comparing you to binklawz "ohh you fight just like binklawz thats amazing" lol that wouldn't happen with the new system you're talking about cuz everyone would be able to do what he does.

the only people that actually stick around are the 2 types of people:
1) those that played it for ages and the control scheme is no longer provide a difficulty for them
2) those who can't run any other games that tb, meaning children on bottom-of-the-barrel low-end hardware

^ you said this and not only you completely ignored karbn's statement about him staying because he likes hanging around with some good people and they helped him improve but you also didnt put the people who plays toribash because they actually are fascinated with the game and wants to get good at it.

This game is not an editing software. Its a game its different. Things dont have to be the same just because you want them to be. You're just seeing the short term effect but not the long term, if things are easy there's nothing interesting about it anymore. Lets face it our dev team is not active at all. Like very few updates happen in 5 years and only now they start to work on a new big project. We can't really keep toribash interesting without updates. I mean look at Minecraft itd very easy to play cuz its simple and everything and the reason why it only started dying recently and not 5 years ago was because the devs kept updating it and making it more interesting to play. But in toribash we cant do that i mean what do you wanna add in toribash to keep it interesting? New blocks? Lol there are cool things to be added but with our devs its not gonna happen anytime soon. The only thing that makes toribash players still wanna play it is because of the mastering your tori control skill. If its easy to learn then yeah its gonna be fun for a while but then after that? You will get bored of it cuz you're doing everything you can possibly do with your tori. And plus everybody will be stucked at the same level because lets be honest creativity dosent mean shit if you have the same level of skill and you can just attack and counter everything. There's a reason why those performers are famous and gets respect from the audience. Its because the audience knows how hard it is to learn and perfect the moves they did and they know they cant do it after only a few tries.

And btw i dont entirely agree with belts dont mean anything. I mean yes some beginner can be better than some older players cuz some people are just good with stuff compared to others, but the older player will always have experience. Everything the beginner is experiencing is new to him but he's good so he can counter it. But everything that the older player is seeing is not new to him so he knows what to do to counter it.
I assume the main purpose of this thread is to make TB match the current gaming environment because there are alot of factors come into play for a game to be loved combining the learning curve. And this idea is making the game easier and as you might already know, TB is not getting hundreds of white belts these days just because of the current control system. So we may have to move on :))

And yeah about the real life aspect of the game, I completely agree. But implementing these controls won't mean TB has become so easier that it left behind the real life controls concept? I would say minibash is relatively harder than TB at start but at the same time, fun to play and learn

Originally Posted by GWKfighter
what do you wanna add in toribash to keep it interesting? New blocks? Lol there are cool things to be added but with our devs its not gonna happen anytime soon.

I think it's rather the player base to blame than the devs. Ideas mostly come from the players and game updates the way players want it to be. The current ideas are mostly quantity over quality

Happy brithday!
Last edited by MrSofty; Aug 24, 2018 at 06:30 PM.
Na sahi kuch magar itna to kiya karte the
Wo mujhe dekh ke pehchan liya karte the
I think that the toribash joint system is very nice as it is, Altough it is a good idea i dont think its a good idea for toribash or toribash next, Altough it would work as a minibash 3D or something like that
cheese is good
Toribash next has changed the joint system compared to the current one, oh no! All these years trying to master standing up and now you have to just press hold to move back to T pose! I'm writing a letter to Nabi studios!

I think I said this before, when you give the same tools to different people, it's only natural to pick up, after some time, someone who rose above the rest. It's obvious that given the same crappy system, some people will make it look less crappy, and with a good system, the same amount of people can make the best things.
But yeah, lets keep the controls as they are, I mean, even the dev team wants to change it.
Originally Posted by MariaVirgine View Post
Toribash next has changed the joint system compared to the current one, oh no! All these years trying to master standing up and now you have to just press hold to move back to T pose! I'm writing a letter to Nabi studios!

I think I said this before, when you give the same tools to different people, it's only natural to pick up, after some time, someone who rose above the rest. It's obvious that given the same crappy system, some people will make it look less crappy, and with a good system, the same amount of people can make the best things.
But yeah, lets keep the controls as they are, I mean, even the dev team wants to change it.

That's not how it works. If you hold a joint, it'll only move back to the position it was held at, after something forces it to move/bend.
Originally Posted by MariaVirgine View Post
Toribash next has changed the joint system compared to the current one, oh no! All these years trying to master standing up and now you have to just press hold to move back to T pose! I'm writing a letter to Nabi studios!

I think I said this before, when you give the same tools to different people, it's only natural to pick up, after some time, someone who rose above the rest. It's obvious that given the same crappy system, some people will make it look less crappy, and with a good system, the same amount of people can make the best things.
But yeah, lets keep the controls as they are, I mean, even the dev team wants to change it.

ikr, toribash NEXT ffs, why should we be bounded by the legacy rudiments?
we should not!
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by snake View Post
ikr, toribash NEXT ffs, why should we be bounded by the legacy rudiments?
we should not!

Yes we should.
Don't agree? Play a different game.
This is Toribash after all.