
I got bored and though I'd have a shot at dancing. Criticism pl0x.
Attached Files
Ruadhan - Dancin' 2.rpl (114.4 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Ruadhan; Nov 4, 2012 at 09:42 PM.
Any of you guys been playing actively online these past months?
What are the trends? When i stopped playing Toribash for a while, the hottest thing was Aikido Big Dojo, how about now?
> Piratez
I was searching for old replays (on the atachments option) and look what I found
Attached Files
123 Sex.rpl (113.2 KB, 6 views)
@123 sex: I would suggest trying to do a boomhit on upper body after the torso split. I tried editing your replay and where you kicked his pec off I had a pretty good angle for a potential boomhit. I only managed to do a decap but I wasn't editing enough as I don't have the time currently.
What the, that is a boomhit replay?

How stupid of me to have believed the name.....

Will try viewing later, gonna go get a $25.00 iTunes gift card for myself. Need to buy gems in Clash of Clans..