Now with 200% more not ground touching! (not a new replay)
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pusga - Silverstream.rpl (353.4 KB, 48 views)
Last edited by pusga; Feb 13, 2013 at 04:29 PM.
Super kick combo watcha!
The opener was alright.
When you started kicking I was like O.O (note to self never vs him in Tk).
Also nice pose.
Replay thread

Just made...

Your feet didn't touch the ground in the first one too (as I remember), really liked the new transition to the pose tho.
I did touch the ground slightly. I didn't even notice it the first time until you pointed it out, I must admit.
Fucking hell man.

Love openers like this, yeah they look stiff, but they give you a lot of momentum just by extending your knee and raising your shoulder. First hit was great, so was the second one. Really no flaws in these hits, but right after you did the third kick, your left arm slightly ghosted with your leg, making it look a bit weird. The kick after this should have DM'd the knee, but I guess it was for the better so you can continue your flow later on in the replay. Fifth kick wasn't really a kick, more of a contract kick I guess, but it, too, was great, removing uke's crotch block. Loved how you used only one foot to kick uke's groin out THEN proceeded to kick uke's knee without losing any flow, but it looked kinda weird because you contracted afterwards and then extended again, giving it a twitchy look. Last kick was alright, just like the rest. I like the fact that you still haven't touched the ground at this point. Man, that was amazing. Fucking 7-hit-mid-air combo right there, and undamaged. I'd like to point out one thing though: your arms. You were so focused on your legs that you forgot about your arms, and they were twitching like hell. Try to watch the replay and look at the arms only, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, great replay overall. Loved the majestic combo. I want more.
yeah ok
Thanks dudes.

Made this today, and it kinda sucks but I need to keep them comments rolling you know what I'm saying ;o
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pusga - Graveyard Shift.rpl (493.8 KB, 24 views)
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
This was a fucking pain in the ass to make

This is a great replay, what ruins it for me is that I have been trying to do this for ages now. >< You beat me. :o
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie