Endurance Onslaught 6.0
A name i made when i was dumb and didn't think about my names, back then i just used supermailbox for everything but it was taken so i just used supermailb, i dislike it alot now and want it changed to mali or something (Most of my friends just call me mali anyways....or super....*facepalm*)
The Eastgrand Assassin..
I feel like ive told this story like 30 times now.

I was playing Diablo 2 when I was about 8, and when you select the barbarian he does this kinda growl. It was my Barbarian account (I had a account for every character, and then 2 accounts for mules. a total of 9 accounts) and I had ran out of ideas for names. Having the barb growl at me I decided to put that.

It started out as any other way someone would spell it (rawr or something among those lines), but I noticed that to be to mainstream. Being the Hipster I am(sarcasm), I decided to be different and made a new onomatopoeia for a growl. I chose caps for screaming (it pisses me off when they dont allow caps). I use it for everything now, only difference is sometimes I add a "ONLY" orsomethinglikethat. Only saying its original and I'm the only one with that username.(I only use "only when I forgot the pass and email to my old account)

I think I want a new username, but RAWWRH took all my creativity away.

Note:LWaffles made my avatar, and spelled my name wrong. People spell my name wrong a lot.