was a bit twitchy and messy, lookse like you didnt comune at all. 6/10
dis pl0x

cnc pls
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Colors - This was weird.rpl (252.8 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by MagikerN; Jun 29, 2014 at 06:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

i suck at cnc but i'll try to point something out just because you asked for cnc in your post

so, uh, the opener was goatse/10 when you jumped towards uke your knees twitched n stuff tho

i'm not even sure what you do at frames 550-500 because i'm blind and it happens too fast for me

split was ok but you hit your leg at uke's torso after the kick for no reason

you also hit your head on uke's hand

next kick looks a bit weird because you keep your legs extended

the kick after that looks like it could do more than just one dm

then on the punch you grab for almost no reason ._.

aaannnddd the last kick could also probably do more than just a decap

so pretty much you keep doing these hard hits but you aim them so that they only do one dm

lrn2aim and do boomhits

then you're in the air and look like you just relaxed all

and then you land and look really stiff

pose looks a bit weird because of the extended abs

and you also relaxed your neck on some points of the replay that looked a bit silly

i suck at cnc so i have no idea what i'm writing i'm just trying to write something

replay was imtootiredtorateanything/10

now that i'm done with that shitty wall of text that doesn't even make any sense
cnc this repalyoanreotinoia pls
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turf.rpl (154.4 KB, 9 views)
Took threeeee days D;. I think i'm gonna explode if i work on it any longer, so here you go...
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Zikyulo - Twists.rpl (379.7 KB, 7 views)