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Toribash Season 2
Season 2 is coming to Toribash!

Season 2 updates

There are two main changes we've prepared for this season: ranking tiers and forum ranking UI. Let's take a closer look at what's been changed:

Raw ELO system we used during Season 1 has been replaced with Ranking Tiers. As you can see on the image above, there are 5 tiers:

  • Elo Hell
  • Bronze Tier
  • Silver Tier
  • Gold Tier
  • Platinum Tier

Ranking Tiers are displayed both in-game and on forum Ranking page. Top players who get to Gold or Platinum will also get their global ranking position displayed in addition to their tier.

In order to get a rank tier during Season 2, any player has to complete 10 qualification fights in ranked mode first. When the first 10 games are over you will get your primary rank tier - which can be Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on qualification fights' outcome. After that you can move up (or down) rank tiers by keeping playing in ranked mode. You will see chat notifications when approaching your next rank tier, and you will see an additional notification when you're about to play a qualification fight.

Forum Ranking UI update

Forum ranking view has undergone some major changes to work with the updated system. Finding other players' ranking stats has been made easier, you can now always see players ranked closest to you and more. See a more detailed breakdown below:

UI Breakdown


Season 2's top players will receive the following prizes:

  • Rank 1: 500K TC, Void+Superior Pack, unique 3D item set.
  • Rank 2: 400K TC, Demon+Demolition Pack, limited edition 3D item set.
  • Rank 3: 300K TC, Pure+Elf Pack, limited edition 3D item set.
  • Platinum Tier: Random Tier X Pack, limited edition 3D item set.
  • Gold Tier: limited edition 3D item.

Season 2 end date is November 18th, 2017.
We have also added 50 TC boosters to Matchmaking that expire next Sunday.
Last edited by Fear; Nov 22, 2017 at 08:34 AM. Reason: adjusted UI breakdown
Did ranked reset again? I lost 80+ ranks when matchmaking broke because of the disconnect error. I'd rather not have to qualify again.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
uhhh ive kinda stopped macthmaking cuz of how hard it is to find people and to get 1st :/
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
LOL I had the funniest shit happen to me, I was match making with a dude and someone joined as a spectator and /en into the game and played the 3rd match and lost and lost the match in RANKED LOL.

That can be exploited so bad. Someone joining my ranked battle to fight for me?? hahahaha pity he lost.
I have two questions about elo and ranking:

I was matched with the same player twice, and played seven games with the results of [oxoo] and [ooo] in my favor. This player had finished his three remaining qualifying matches, and played four while ranked. From the global rating dynamics, there was only an increase from two of the six games I won. Could you explain why that is?

Second, did Diamond rank ever make it to this season?