GUAH GUAHBLAHARG GUYS GUYS I NEED TO BORROW 9,800 TC THERE'S PURE FORCE *points excitedly into the distance and shouts incoherently* SO *more shouting and frothing at the mouth* HOLY BUCKETS OF LIMA BEANS

I can pay it back within a week or two.

I'll take your word.

you have four weeks from today to pay it back.

if you do not succeed I will add 1k to the pot every week untill all is payed back.

I cannot send the tc right away it seems... since you appartenly have to play 19 more games before you can send tc

Fuck toribash...

I am too lazy to play 19 games tonight... so maby tomorrow.
Last edited by loje; May 29, 2011 at 10:30 PM.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
well then.

I just reached yellow belt! with betbank.

so now I should be able to send you the TC.

so the Tc should be payed back before 2011-07-03

if not then the total sum to pay back will be raised with 1k TC every week.

I will send you the tc now.

If you dont want to lend any tc anymore then just send it back to BetBank.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I need about 2k to buy a head texture to go with this deal I'm doing to trade my black wings for purple ones :3
I can has 2k?