Endurance Onslaught 6.0
And we dislike you.
Also i have taught Clow 1 and Tiffany 1, so i guess she's still a 1, though she is a fast learner.
Aka jusmi.
Do you believe you have potential?Yes
Belt?10th Dan
[email protected]
Requested Teacher?who ever
Write a 2 paragraph essay about yourself and how great the teacher you request is.

I have been playing toribash for about 2 years now, and my favorite mod is wushu.
I'm decent at playing wushu, but i would like to become better. I'm on my knees begging you to teach me(who ever that may be).
not really 2 paragraphs but yeah i really dont want to
I will devastate your pooder.
Accepted Ghost. No one else here really has the skill to teach you anything more, except Me, Nighend, or Fail. You equally match Dox in relax, and you're slightly better than Toxikz in relax. However, you need to learn Hold, and otherwise more of the basics.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
Accepted Ghost. No one else here really has the skill to teach you anything more, except Me, Nighend, or Fail. You equally match Dox, and you're slightly better than Toxikz.

awww shucks... golly your nice x3
I will devastate your pooder.