stderr.txt is in the main toribash folder.
if you bost paste its contents here i can help you.
how does "fog distance" and "sun position" have ANYTHING to do with colour?
or are the values for colour equivalent to, say, R=height, G=horizontal position and B=umm... size?

because I am very confused -_-
I have, as of now, updated the script.
It can now load shaders and you can go backwards through values.
Nice one, Blam. If only I had a better PC... Wait. It seems you can script anything, so: Script me a new PC.

Good job.

One thing that I find fun to mess with in this script is loading the default shader in and randomising the back colour value.
Hey blam i just wanted to say thanks.... i downloaded this and its really fun to play with even though it will take some time to get used to anyways +rep and thanks