Hey guys, sorry about the extremely long inactivity.
Work + TAFE + VCE makes it a bit hard to find time..
Indeed, I play it when I can, I have absolutely no interest in pc games anymore.. mainly due to the fact that my laptop is terrible :P
Why I'm going to be absent: Sister broke my charger.
I shall be gone for: Let's say about 6 days
And shall be back by: Saturday. (hopefully)
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this

False alarm.
Got a different laptop to use.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Sorry about my inactivity. I am having some family problems.
I couldn't find time to go on the net.
Hi Natejas :>
Why I'm going to be absent: School fag.
I shall be gone for: Idk, I can use my Laptop just for this day, maybe 3-4 days.
And shall be back by: Sunday(maybe)
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."