hey guys can us teach me sum tricks (like say ripping every limb off there body) if u do i might be able 2 make sum wiked vids.
ok, heres the most important thing about tearing joints, hit the JOINT straight on, DO NOT AIM FOR THE BODY (biceps, thight, shin, ETC) AIM FOR THE JOINTS. if u are going to do a kick, make sure u hit as clost to center of the joint ur aiming at as u can, this includes extending or contracting the joint

hey guys sorry for not posting these days my PC has a vires!!! im posting from a nother computer sooooo i might post from this computer but i cant play the game becuse this computer has a low ram and grapic and my PC might be down for almost a week so you wont see me in the game for now but i might post agen and i see we have some new members for the clan
sooooooooooooooo WELCOME

Can i ?
Hey guys ... i have a naighbur ([SuperBad]DarkFox666) .. and i question her : ''Can i enter for your clan?'' ... and he answer post in the forum ... and there are me ... so .. i'm questioning [superbad] : Can i enter for your clan ?

I'm Green belt ... 13 fights for blue .. 10 tc .. i bought things last night and i transfer money for darkfox666 ..

so .. i'm waiting for a answer

Best wishes,

hey guys great news i can play in the other one [not the older one it still has a vires ] soo i can play agen