Applying For Luck
Hello there,my real name is Joey im 14 years old im a male.I live in Indonesia that will be GMT +7 :3.Reason to join clan? well, i need a clan right now because i think luck is a cool clan ^^.I dont have steam but i do have skype ,mods im good at is Judo but im also average at abd .willing to wait to join this clan? Oh dont worry i will :P how much i play? i only play on weekends and holiday ,how much i go on forums? i go to forums everytime i play but i didnt post much im just seeing market and clans

Thats all from me , thanks for reading ^^
Last edited by ToriZoom; Feb 9, 2016 at 06:24 AM.
Age? 15

Reason to join the clan? couse i never been on a clan ? ):

First name?Matt

How much you play? it depends on school but il try my best to stay active and play much as i can

What can you do for this clan? for clanwars and other stuff

How much you go on the forums? every few and hours but il keep a eye on the forums

Do you have steam? yes i do name: Og_riipz

What mods you are good at? like akido,aikdobigdojo,taekwond,little mushu,

Are you willing to wait to join this clan? yes

Also what gender and race? gender:boy:race:white