Originally Posted by sir View Post
Stop making dumb posts asking "what a cishet is??", "give me a tldr" and such. If you have questions regarding the meaning of certain words, use google. If you need a tldr because you're too busy to read the whole thread (yet apparently not busy enough not to shitpost), go away and spam in wibbles.

If you do it again you're getting infracted, it's getting irritating to delete these every few hours.

The purpose of the question “the fuck is a cishet” goes well beyond defining the term you daft simpleton, it goes to express my distaste for the LGBTwhateverthefuckelse community constant need to label people’s gender and sexuality who do no wish to be labeled. This is a serious post and I do not appreciate you interfering with my attempts to make a point, not to mention my post contained more than just that.

I’m sorry that you lack the ability read beyond literal text, I really am, it must be hard on everyone close to you (I assume there aren’t many left). Please stop wasting your time undermining what’s left of the community’s ability to communicate. You even went as far as to delete other people’s posts who agreed. I have screenshots if you insist on this pathetic ego trip. Ban me if that’s what you need to do but you’re just hurting the community of the game you develop, it’s self destructive and redundant behavior. So many people complain about the staff over moderating every little thing just because they can.. it’s cancerous and I seriously do not know why you bother.

I’m sick of reiterating this point. Use your head ffs. It’s been years.
Dude I literally think you’re soooooo in the wrong about the whole transphobic shit if you don’t like trans women or even trans in general, just because people aren’t interested in being with them no matter if they’re more feminine or whatever DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE TRANSPHOBIC, EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT TASTES IN WHO THEY LIKE OR NOT. Generally I can tell you right now most people don’t even care if they are transgender or whatever, although people WHO SHOW HATE TO THEM ARE CALLED TRANSPHOBIC BUT BECAUSE YOU SHOW NO APPEAL TO THEM TO LIKE THEM DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE TRANSPOHBIC.
You've completely lost track of this conversation. I'll steer you back.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Once again, it is "transgender people," not "transgenders."

Nobody cares.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
It is no tougher to discuss trans issues for the reason stated. Transsexual people are inherently transgender. Their issues are trans issues, but not all trans issues are their issues. It's very easy to understand.

I understand that transexuals are transgenders. My initial point was that you said it's transphobic to not wanna fuck transgenders. That means, according to you, it's transphobic to not want to fuck transexuals (since transexuals are also transgenders)..

Get it? That's why I said these broad definitions are problematic. You unwittingly said that anyone who doesn't want to fuck a transexual is transphobic.

Thank-you for proving my point. lol
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I am not redefining biological sex...Anyone who adamantly refers to people by their sex instead of their gender is much too obsessed with the chromosomes or genitals of other people. Referring to someone by the way you think their body is built is... useless and problematic.... I would love for people not to define others or refer to others by some perceived societal or sexual role or stereotype or appearance, but we're a long ways from there.

You said 'when people use man/woman they're referring to gender' because 'sex is widely irrelevant' and that we need to use additional labels to describe biological sex.

So yes, you tried to redefine male/female to refer to gender instead of sex. Remember how I listed all those definitions of male? Yeah.

I'm glad you walked back your assertion that sex is not widely irrelevant in your admission that 'we're a long ways from there'. Consider walking back other claims.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I said that anyone who says that they are not attracted to trans people (not one specific trans woman) is transphobic.... yada yada yada

And as you established in the OP, trans includes transexuals. Therefore, it's 'transphobic' to not wanna fuck transexuals. Geeze.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
You'll be glad to know there are plenty of trans-feminine people out there who pass as cisgender women. If I'm to pander a bit here... facial feminization surgery is also widely popular and something I actually intend to get myself. It really helps trans feminine people pass as cis women in this way.

Nobody cares.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
iTemp's question was offensive and spreads a harmful narrative... It doesn't counter any point... just speaks to how transphobic the majority of cishet dudes are if anything.

No again, it counters your argument that the only differences between men and women are negligible. Men and women are different, and the changing of genitalia won't suddenly make a female tennis pro able to defeat a male tennis pro. Or a female chess grandmaster compete with a male grandmaster. Male and female bodies have different areas of competency. Male and female brains have different areas of competency. Is this fact really so offensive?
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
So this is definitely an interesting issue. I can't claim to understand what is going on in their head, so I don't know that there is any mental illness. This particular person does indeed see a therapist (going to therapy should be normalized btw) and is on the autistic spectrum, though operates in a very healthy manner on a daily basis. Identifying in this way doesn't seem to affect them negatively at all, so I feel no need to address it. "Mental illness" suggests a abnormality in perception or way of thinking or wtvr which negatively affects the individual (or poses harm to others I suppose). This topic is still pretty interesting though. Like... should we permanently lock up violent sociopaths? They can't help the way they are, but they can't be allowed to hurt other people. It's a strange thing to think about. I'm going to end this particular discussion here though; it's just off-topic.

You mean you're not gonna allow a rebuttal? Gonna stop the discussion right there before someone makes you look silly? lolk

I'll be merciful here (you're welcome). I won't deconstruct this. I will recommend that you should consider aborting your continuing support of your friend's identification as a demon. Reinforcing willful self-delusion is not something friends should do to friends.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I'm certainly not an authority in the traditional sense, but I am extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the topics of gender and sexuality.

You should've ended that sentence after the word 'authority'.

You are not an authority on who gets to fuck who. No amount of gender studies changes this. No buts.
Last edited by Ele; Dec 7, 2019 at 04:32 PM.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Trans people care. The fact that you're refusing to use the correct wordage is malicious and offensive. You're only proving to me now just how transphobic you are.

Nah, just fed up with ur stupid shit ay. If you weren't such a [REDACTED], I would engage with you respectfully.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Basic logic is lost here. Transsexual people are a smaller group under the umbrella of transgender people. Dismissing sexual attraction to the larger group because of a hangup with the smaller group inside doesn't make any sense.

If anyone wants to see a breakdown of Maya's 'logic', read this page.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Those words can refer to either sex or gender depending on context

Male and female are not cultural creations. They denote sex.

And when someone says 'is that chick a man or a woman' they wanna know what they actually, biologically, are. Not what they're presenting as.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I'd like to make a note on your chess example here: there are a LOT more men playing chess than women. A much larger sample size will very likely have larger extreme values than a much smaller sample size. This is basic statistics.

What about my tennis example? Differences between the sexes exist, accept it. You can never be a real, 100% woman. Sorry to say.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Would you rip someone from their VR world if it gave them more pleasure and comfort than the real world? Even if their body was being cared for properly and all? I don't know what is going on in their mind, like I said, but if it makes them happy and doesn't have any negative impacts, I have no issue helping them feel comfortable by addressing them slightly differently.

I certainly wouldn't support my friend's retreat from real life into a virtual bubble, of course I wouldn't. Into a virtual.... 'Safe Space'.

So to finally answer Moop's question, 'would you be fine supporting your friend if he identified as Hitler', your answer would be yes? Utter lunacy.
Last edited by Ele; Dec 7, 2019 at 07:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I've already described the difference between sexual and romantic attraction... and how lots of trans people have the same kinds of bodies that cis people do... and how not being romantically attracted to any trans people on the basis that they do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth is very obviously transphobia.

Would I be considered a racist for (for example) being romantically attracted and sexually attracted to only white people? Despite that being a preference for me? Would I be considered racist for only wanting to have intercourse with a black person because that's my preference?

I don't understand how it's trans-phobic to not want be attracted to someone that is transexual/transgender. I have my preferences and I shouldn't be called trans-phobic for having my opinions on what is attractive and what isn't.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Maya holds a bigoted position, it's extremely ironic. You can't decide my sexuality just as I can't decide yours - or do you recommend conversion camps for us to become attracted to trans people?

You also don't get to decide what words people use - only forum moderators can do that ; D

All you get to do is decide how you allow those words to affect you. If you can't handle people's opinions, you'll have a difficult life whether you're trans or not. But the fact that you are makes it all the more horrifying considering that the trans communities are targets of violent hate crimes. That's a real problem. The nonsense you're spouting is childish, easily dismissed, and worst of all is alienating to people who hold no hatred for you or your community - until you accuse them of bigotry for no reason other than an opinion you hold regarding sexuality.

I'd like other people who happen upon this post to understand this most importantly: no one person speaks for any particular community. Maya does not speak for trans people, only for herself.
Otherwise, I'd speak for all assholes
Last edited by DrGonz; Dec 7, 2019 at 11:11 PM.
Originally Posted by Stone View Post
Would I be considered a racist for (for example) being romantically attracted and sexually attracted to only white people? Despite that being a preference for me? Would I be considered racist for only wanting to have intercourse with a black person because that's my preference?.

I don't really want to get involved but I'm going to point out the obvious issue with this argument because I've seen it used several times.

Maya's statement seems to imply trans people who have undergone sex change surgery are essentially identical to their now same sex counterparts. Therefore there would be no way to tell a female from birth apart from one who was male and later had surgery to change their sex unless they informed you. Which means there is no physical characteristics to base your preference off of. It's not the same as if you were to have varying levels of attraction to people of varying skin tones because if we're to assume Maya's assertion is true there's no physical difference between the two.

Though assuming Maya's statement true is a pretty big assumption and I have no idea how accurate it is.

Also, to Maya, sorry if my understanding of what you're saying is inaccurate. If it is just ignore me

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Maya's statement seems to imply trans people who have undergone sex change surgery are essentially identical to their now same sex counterparts. Therefore there would be no way to tell a female from birth apart from one who was male and later had surgery to change their sex unless they informed you. Which means there is no physical characteristics to base your preference off of. It's not the same as if you were to have varying levels of attraction to people of varying skin tones because if we're to assume Maya's assertion is true there's no physical difference between the two.

It's still not thansphobic in that context. In the same way that some guys prefer "natural" bodies over females with fake boobs and ass, having preference towards natural female shouldn't come with negative connotations.

It's also extremely ironic that this point is even being discussed. Going back on this thread, you can find a lot of stuff related to preference, for example:
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I also know lots of intersex people who have definite preferences in the way their bodies look. They sometimes choose pronouns and an identity to fit the body they would feel comfortable in and sometimes hop on the non-binary "why the fuck do we have gender" train.

How can you (Maya) expect everyone to tolerate people's preferred pronouns and identities, but subsequently condemn any preference towards females from birth? Don't you think that by calling people bigots and transphobes for their preference you're becoming the very thing that you're fighting against? If you want to change our minds about transgederism and transsexualism, at least recognise your own biases before preaching your views.
Last edited by Smaguris; Dec 10, 2019 at 12:49 AM.
I think you’re going about this all wrong. You’ve grouped a majority of people into one place, called them out on their transphobia, and demanded they change their ways immediately.

Many people don’t respond well to that, and I won’t tell you I’m one of the few people who would either. I think instead of trying to get us to agree with you, I think it would be best to logically inform us of what ends up happening from start to finish on how a transsexual goes through the process of realizing their gender is different from their biological one. What happens in their head to make them realize this? How do they understand and tell their families these things?

I’m sure there’s a more gentle way to letting us become informed. You’ve thrown multiple facts about transsexuals at us, but they all seem to be in defence of something we’ve said. I’d personally like to know what started the journey of feeling like you were a man in a woman’s body, or vice versa.
I also agree with ele, getting someone else’s opinion on the matter who will give you more insight on how to come better prepared will make this easier. Not just transsexual friends, but someone who is just an ally, or even a friend of yours who is neither gay, bi, transsexual or otherwise to help you dissect your paragraphs and make them more open to the masses. I’m not saying your points are invalid, just that your approach towards teaching them is impractical.

I also would love for you to be more open towards our opinions and beliefs too. You want us to accept your identity and become an ally, but for most people the second will be impossible through the means you’ve done. You can’t force open a heart, the heart has to open to you. Heartfelt experiences you’ve had, struggles you’ve faced, these are the things that will make us more open to helping you.

Lastly, I do think that although it’s not hurting your friend to believe they’re a demon, it’s one thing to accept other people sexual preferences and identities, and it’s another to willingly let a friend you care for live a lie. It’s a gateway to legitimately becoming mentally unstable and although it’s not nice to your friend, they may need you to help them realize they are a human, and someone who needs to come to grip with the reality in front of them. Ele gave you a good example with VR. Although it’s a beautiful lie, it’s still a lie. VR shouldn’t be used as an escape from the world you live in, the same way one shouldn’t believe they’re something they’re physically incapable of becoming. It’s a fine and dangerous line your friend is playing, and I really do think they should receive help to become more aware of their surroundings
Well, you managed to quote me and not even address what you quoted. Why bother quoting people just to ignore what they said and call them bigots? Because it makes sense to you and that's all that matters : )

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Lmao yes, you'd be a huge racist! If I heard anyone say "I'm only attracted to white people" irl, I'd definitely call them out for being super racist. Humans are generally attracted to other humans, but skin color is outside the realm of sexuality; there can be preference, but nobody is inherently turned off by certain skin colors. Sexual preferences != sexuality. You could say "I'm generally more attracted to white people" and it would be much more accurate than saying "I'm only sexually attracted to white people" (though I feel like this may still be minor subconscious racism in some sense...).

This is not true, you believe your opinions are objectively true, narcissism is not a good quality. None of this applies to the attraction/transphobe stuff imo, but I can do comparisons too, it's easy.
If I'm not attracted to a dwarf, or someone with downs syndrome, or cerebral palsy, or spondylocostal dysplasia am I an ableist? Well, I have had sex with someone that has spondylocostal dysplasia so I must be a champion of equal rights.
If I am not attracted to old people, am I ageist? If not a man, then homophobic? What about people who are attracted to drag queens and not some other group? Are they bigots for their natural desires?
But onto race. Oh. You really don't know jack about race.
I don't think you know very many people that aren't white. That's an assumption and I could be wrong, but if you did, you would understand how ludicrous this statement is. What's more racist than not being attracted to another race? Don't answer this one, I'll tell you: fetishizing people based on race.
What makes you an authority on racism? I don't hold myself to be an authority on racism. I did grow up in a minority white neighborhood though so I'd just love for you to try the race topic some more, please.
Here's a preamble to it, just to get the gears lubed. Have you heard of colorism? It's discriminating based on skin tone. If one black person doesn't find darker/lighter skin people attractive, are they colorist? Are they self racist if they don't like people of darker skin tones? Or racist against white people if they prefer dark skin? Many present that it's not possible for black people to be racist, only prejudiced. So are they bigots or not?
I don't know the answers to these questions. They're difficult, any answer I can present would be an opinion, conjecture based. What about you? You seem to think everything else you say is true.
By the way, people of color who are also trans are victimized at a much higher rate, and many champions of trans rights are black - so I sure do hope you have black friends!

You buried something in there too.
Humans are generally attracted to other humans

Is that so? Any human is attracted to any human? Well gee willikers that sounds like an opinion, and a terrible one at that. Care to try and defend it, or wanna amend it? I'd pick latter, but hey, you're a narcissist so who knows. You, probably.

Just read everything I've typed in this post already. It's actually insane to me that so many dudes are defending their right to be grossed out by trans people at the same time they're begging me not to call them transphobic for it.

Did I say trans people gross me out? I did not. Don't put words in my mouth. I also have not begged you for anything, though it is another point that speaks to your character, how you see yourself, how you process the world.
If you're defending that position right now...

I am not, but your whole post presupposes that anyone who disagrees with your opinions is a bigot.
Why would you even bother quoting my text if you're just going to ignore it?
I'm so sorry for offending you but you're a transphobe! Congrats, welcome to the majority.

I am not offended - it is offensive. I am offensive in turn because you don't deserve sincerity. You are a hypocrite for generalizing a demographic, regardless of the fact that it is, mostly, a privileged demographic. That takes the wind out of everything else you bring to the table, it is undercut by the obvious self-righteous blind-spots I am pointing out. Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue - that's something to be aware of in yourself if your goal is to reach out to people and change minds.

Good thing I'm teaching the staff (with a little help from other queer players) about transphobia! They're discussing it all and learning as we speak; I'm very proud of them all.

No, it's because I was extremely insulting. I had too much fun with other replies, insulting to grind in my point that you can't control peoples' opinions or how they choose to interact with you, only how you navigate it and let it affect you. I'm not surprised in the slightest that you presumed the truth; I've already mentioned your conceited nature, this is another point to that aspect of your character which informs these views of yours.

Ah yes, "you're oppressing yourself," said every person who was ever on the right side of history. I'm bringing light to the ignorance and general bigotry of the community.

Excuse me, how is disrespect oppression? Do you need a safe space? Take a shower.
I'm sorry if this information painted you a transphobe

It doesn't, but I'm ready for your next attempt to ignore what you're quoting and call me a bigot based on your own premise
, but you are one

AHhhhhhH yeah there it is, all you can do, call people bigots without cause to distract from what they're actually saying, maybe it helps you sleep at night idk.
and you'll continue to be one unless you take this stuff to heart. Most people are transphobic and think trans people are fucking weird and I'm trying to show you that it's not okay. I'm showing you the way that a progressive and tolerant person thinks about gender and transgenderism.

If your goal is to engender goodwill and understanding, you're doing it wrong. Trying to convince people trans people aren't weird? Don't go around accusing practically everyone of bigotry, bc that's pretty damn weird. Next you go on to act like you do talk for trans people, which would be laughable in itself without all this context. The awesome height of your ego astounds. It is only particularly funny because you think that your ideas are "the way a progressive and tolerant person thinks about gender and transgenderism", (another trait of an egotist) and therefore anyone who doesn't is a bigot. Which leads to you generalizing and stereotyping people. If that's not irony, I don't know what is.

And yet I have every trans person I've ever known

WOAH you must only know like 8!
by my side on all of these issues. Like I said... I ran this by a number of other trans people before posting it.

Right because everyone knows the trans community is completely united on these issues and there is no disagreement between the different trans groups and certainly not with any other lgbt group, they all get on great!
But oh all your friends told you they have your back so I should view your perspective as scripture? Moses, is that you? Oh, no, it's Mike Pence. I bet he has a black friend!
You cannot silence or dismiss me just because I am but one voice.

Cut the melodrama, this isn't a Lifetime movie and no one's trying to silence you - in fact a moment ago you rejoiced at moderators deleting other people's posts, having assumed that it was because they agree with you. I didn't ask whether they agree with you or not, as that's not why the posts were removed. But either way you're a hypocrite, and hypocrites are certainly to be dismissed. Any other aspect of your identity, I couldn't care any less - but an idiotic, immature narcissist, oh that just gives me the vapors.

I have implied that this is sometimes the case (and I've seen it firsthand on many occasions), and that there are plenty people who were assigned female at birth, but who just identify as non-binary (which makes them trans) and do not undergo any physical/medical transition. Even if you somehow don't believe that there are trans women out there who you could not clock as trans, recognizing that second group of trans people is important here.

What a coincidence I just so happen to have dated non-binary people. Weird huh, ah well, there's bigots everywhere I guess. Didn't know I was one till you ignored what I said, instead placed your own premise and called me a bigot atop it, but hey, that kind of logic is irrefutable, no denying it. Because your goal is to persuade, not insult, right? Leave the insulting to us bigots, we're much better at it.
Ah that "indistinguishable" premise again, hmm. That so?

But besides, I'd love to hear your opinions on race!! I'm sure you have some doozies - i bet you're an expert... make sure to ask some black friends!

Like.... can you all be honest for just one second? You're either consciously or subconsciously grossed out at the idea of fucking someone who "used to be a guy" and you don't want to have to be ashamed of that. But you should be ashamed of it! It's transphobia!

Crux of the matter - you presume how other people think. You presume that every one who doesn't find themselves attracted to trans people is grossed out. Not so. Just not into it. You always base these arguments on the ideas that
1) you can't choose whether your trans or not, and how far you go in operations to feel comfortable doesn't count as a "choice" in this context because you didn't choose to be trans.
I agree with that, any progressive person would.

2) in (fantasy) cases where one would not know post-op without their telling one, indistinguishable to one's taste otherwise etc, not being attracted when one find out means one is transphobic

First off, if she's indistinguishable, then why call her trans? Why call someone born female a cis woman? If there is literally no difference, then why tell the cis male? You've asserted that there is no case where a trans woman wouldn't inform the man... if she is completely indistinguishable, why would it not be informed consent to tell the cis male?
Sorry, but some people prefer natural vaginas. Others have differing taste - it's up to them, whoever xi may be. That's the beauty of equality. I don't judge you for your desires - but for your behavior.

Assuming that everyone who disagrees with you is a bigot will do nothing but fast track you to frustration, and you alienate those who are not your enemy. Do not assume I have agreed with any points made other than my own, there genuinely are terrible people on the internet - you happen to be as bad as the actual bigots on this forum.

Why talk to someone that eschews substance in favor of rancor? I'd rather wield both.

You might be done here soon, but, like so many men, I already finished.
Last edited by DrGonz; Dec 10, 2019 at 05:46 AM. Reason: trying to fix the double line stuff