Hey Nox.
Nice to see you playing again.


Opener was kinda slow but not bad.

First hit was nice.

After that split when you touched upper torso with your leg
i waited a punch. That as you grabbed it didn't look so good but that boom was awesome!.

That hit on legs at end wasn't bad and skeet was nice.

Really nice replay Jisse.
Only thing I didn't like about it was the stiff part at 435 - 390.

Also, did this for DD.
There is nothing wrong with a slow starter, especially if your trying to make it smooth on -9.82 grav
Jisse - Aequabis: The opener was slow, not that it's a bad thing, it's just that the punch you did looked quite weak. It's better if that was a core, that would've looked awesome with that opener. Still, it was a pretty nice punch. The following boom was great, clean and fast. I like it. The pause and crotch grab after that looked pretty bad. The combo after that, however was great. And the skeet after that was amazing.
*Facepalm* Spry, I don't get why your stating , ''Slow opener'' if it's not a bad thing ._.

10 Hours Ago #994
There is nothing wrong with a slow starter, especially if your trying to make it smooth on -9.82 grav
Butterz... Dont start a fight for that.

We said slow But still good.

Its not a demn offend. D:

Y u no get it?


Btw. Next will have the honor to post our 1k post.

Butterz, slow isn't synonymous to bad. I mentioned slow because that's what it is.You did mention yourself that nothing's wrong with slow.

Also, 1000th thread post \o/
Last edited by sprytryne; Nov 9, 2012 at 01:18 PM.