lol I forgot why I even came here in the first place

What is your reason for wanting to join: I don't remember exactly, seeing as how I used to hate catastrophe, but this seems very kewl.
Belt(Isn't important): Black
Age: 13
Infraction & Ban History: I can't count that high, but 5 points currently.
Special skills: I am a pwnzor at aikido/bikewithramp(r.i.p.)/various retarded mods. And I'm a black belt in real life (Not sure if you meant irl or ingame)
Are you IRC/Forum/Ingame active: Very.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I start to retreat as quickly as I can manage.

The knight begins staggering towards you, the sound of his chainmail causing a fear to stir inside of you. You notice Imudo watching you from a hill.

Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
I walk around in the city, to see if there is any jobs available.

You find nothing of interest.
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
lol I forgot why I even came here in the first place

What is your reason for wanting to join: I don't remember exactly, seeing as how I used to hate catastrophe, but this seems very kewl.
Belt(Isn't important): Black
Age: 13
Infraction & Ban History: I can't count that high, but 5 points currently.
Special skills: I am a pwnzor at aikido/bikewithramp(r.i.p.)/various retarded mods. And I'm a black belt in real life (Not sure if you meant irl or ingame)
Are you IRC/Forum/Ingame active: Very.

You seem annoying, and you wibble too much. Seeing as you used to hate Catastrophe, and you do not remember why you wanted to join, i say no too. Although i love your avvy

Roleplay: I go to the church and make a silent pray.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
What is your reason for wanting to join: Well, I am currently looking for an active organisation, as I am usually left in the dark for a few days after I make a post.. Also after reading a few posts, this seems like a kind and friendly community.

Belt(Isn't important):
Brown at the moment.


Infraction & Ban History:
Neither has ever happened to me.

Special skills:
I havn't played troibash in a while, but I use to be pro in judo, which I soon will be again, after some practice. I have recently started textures/picture creation with picture editing software. Other skills I have is OCD, Obsessive Computing Syndrome :P, instruments and sports consume most of my life when I’m not on the forum.

Are you IRC/Forum/Ingame active:
Yeah, I often find I have replied to almost everything on the forum. I am on usually on 6-7 hours a day, but now with holidays, a lot longer. I am kind of fuzzy with IRC, Only used it a few times, but would be happy to get to know it more . If needed, my in-game name and usually everywhere else is Oimanoi.
By the way, don't be fooled by my join date and post count. I have currently become very active/addicted to the forums ^.^

All in all I’m just one of those guys that has too much time on their hands, sitting behind a computer most of the day watching the forum tick by like watching grass grow while playing either ps3 or xbox, I’m not a fanboy by the way :P. So yeah, that's me. Well, thanks for taking you time for reading.
Last edited by Oimanoi; Apr 17, 2011 at 02:51 PM.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Very active
Xbox player
On for crazy time
very good grammar (sort of)
Perfect track history (No bans or infracs.)

Brown belt
Judo noob
Hasn't shown examples of any art

I say yes because of majority pros. But, show me examples of your art!
It's. . . been too long.
Overall good app. Good grammar, and you even make big I's. No infractions or bans. Seems cool, and he makes art. I'd like to see some of your work though (;

Anyways, yes from me :3
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..