btw the backflip trick was a transation :c
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
#Alpho - what a wierd day.rpl: that was quite good, not much to say the re run after the stairs was abit messy but not much, the steps in the following part were good.
I wanna see how u finish this course, doesnt look easy. gl and gj keep it up.
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 18, 2015 at 02:42 AM.
Well try to do an other spin maybe? or a butterfly kick, I guess you could from that position.

I have tried some tricking myslef and as u can see on it idk much about this stuff
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mm alright tricks.rpl (71.4 KB, 5 views)
first "tricking" replay.
how's that trick called btw.
olso cnc is highly appreciated.
Attached Files
#NICK - Tricking [1].rpl (87.4 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by NICOLAS135; Dec 19, 2015 at 10:31 PM.

opener is generic for tricking replays

backflip looked pretty cool

the second trick was cool, I think it's called like a rodeo, I think

gj for first
Attached Files
[M-] I Am Not Amused.rpl (169.5 KB, 5 views)
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the fucking replay name that I fucking forgot,fuck:

opener was pretty cool.
I'm not a fan of the grab but the double knee was fantastic.
I liked the self split idea(it happened random but nvm)...
decap was cool.
Well you got two nice backflips there, you should try doing harder tricks later, looks like you got what is needed.

Ray: it was nice, I didnt like it much, still dont know how u got both knees out. I dind see that self split coming, nice decap. gj