you don't have any proof that i didn't know it was you.

srsly tho, i write wrong names alot when i'm tired.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Confusing, alot of shit is going on in my life now, I'm moving out soon and catching jobs.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
boring, haven't done anything productive in months, atleast i started going to the gym again today.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
Dead chat lol
Why don't we all just catch each other up on what we've been doin?
How's life yall?

Been raging on coding websites and basically just playing league every day, yourself?
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
boring, haven't done anything productive in months, atleast i started going to the gym again today.

Don't worry buddy, you'll have enough of the gym soon enough, that I can assure you of xD
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
Sorry for not responding, I forget that I exist sometimes

I mostly felt that I was growing more and more distant from more of the members here, and that I wasn't able to lead this clan.

█████ Vector █████
█ ███████ █
School work piling up, mostly because I procrastinate and play Three Houses. Indonesia just had its independence day though so there’s that
"It doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful"
My replay thread
Oki oki
Guess I'll talk about what's been goin on with my life :3

I got a girlfriend
I basically left TB and almost every social because of how mentally unstable I was. I felt bad that everyone had to deal with me like that, so I just left. During that time, I met my girlfriend

We had a bit of drama with two other people before we started dating, but in the end, she ended up going with me. She stayed by my side and helped me through what I was going through. We've been dating for 3 months now, and it's been the best months of my life. I've feel much more happier now, and I've been having less mental breakdowns. We always watch over each other and make sure we're okay, her more so than me xD

Anyways, tl:dr I'm actually mentally stable now lmao
Also, highschool sucks
now frick!
highschool is pretty cool tho.

also, started learning game developement bc why the fuck not, so far all i can do is make a 2d platformer and i'm pretty confident i can make a simple 3d game without relying on any tutorial or documentation cuz atleast scripting wise they don't seem very different, in fact i'll do it as a challenge (just need to find some assets).
and i'm using godot if u wonder, probably will start making weekly projects and try new things everytime.
oh and gd script(and probably any python based language) is acually really fucking easy, i love it.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
since when was vector alive am I right guys haha high five

all this real life talk's making me sick, yucky.

treat for mr. patrick

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