Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Hello everyone, I finally found some textures on an old (very dusty) hard drive stored in a cartboard box in a closet somewhere.
Please keep in mind these textures are very old, but note the mapping and attention to detail. This is what I will bring to the table.
However, I've grown as an artist, so my interpretation of design has matured quite a bit.

My goal with reopening this texture shop is to spend free quarantine time on getting back to old hobbies.
As you have read, I've been a busy bee lately. For a monetary goal, I'm saving up for a new tablet to draw on,
would be great if I could make it happen by drawing!

GATAchallenge01 by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

GATAchallenge01FLAT by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

DemonicPRES by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

Demonic by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

Head03SPHERE by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

Head03 by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

SPHERE by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

FLAT by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

Open Eye Signal by Alpha soniK, on Flickr

The bicycle is almost done, the room is almost clean. Then I'm setting up the PC for drawing,
dusting off my more than 10 year old baby Bamboo tablet to get started!

How much would you charge for a head like Gatachallenge and head03 ? willing to pay usd
Driving through hell, and I done brought snow.
Hi Dior!

Ashamed to say I haven't gotten around to making a test head to see how much time it'll take me to make something cool.
Once I'm done with that I'll be able to figure out pricing, but I'm aiming at around 5$ an hour and trying to keep heads under 5 hours.

Thanks for your patience and interest!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Hello Alpha,

So 25? I would like a head that is similar to the ones I referenced i'll allow you to choose. My discord is f5ve you can get ahold of me there.
Driving through hell, and I done brought snow.
Hello, always was a huge fan. Is there any chance you'll take toricoins instead of dollars with overpaying?

(due to world is going kinda crazy i am unable to pay with $)
smegma controller
If you are taking TC I'd love to request something as well
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
Hello my dudes,

For now I'd only accept USD, due to the fact I don't know if TC selling is still allowed and I don't have a use for TC.
I'm using this for practice and to pay for an iPad Pro so I can draw on there.

Trying to get my busted Bamboo tablet to work has proven to be a challenge.

I've tested a little and I think 5/6 hours (@ 5 USD/hour) on a head is what I'm comfortable with at the moment.
Within that price I think it's nice to have a 30 minute consult where we discuss what direction the design will go.
Within that price I'm also including small repairs once the head is finished.

Let me know what you guys think!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.