I practically learned to understand common Japanese after watching that many anime.

You dont really need more attention to it than that.

The worst thing about english dubs imo is that they often dont have the appropriate tone for the scene. They're monotonic and they dont express anything that's happening in the story.

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[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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Originally Posted by SlipAnc View Post
The worst thing about english dubs imo is that they often dont have the appropriate tone for the scene. They're monotonic and they dont express anything that's happening in the story.

I can't quite comprehend why many dubs choose actors that clearly don't fit the roll.

Interesting note: Kyubey (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica) has two voice actors in the dubbed. Seems that no one could quite capture his emotionless done.
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Exactly what SlipAnc said.

Why watch the dubs if you can watch the original Japanese one?

Because some dubs are better than the original japanese.

See Yu Yu Hakusho and Cromartie High.
I've gained the ability to comprehend basic Japanese after watching so many subbed episodes of various anime. Memory association of the sentences and words to the Japanese pronunciation and I eventually form the ability to guess-timate the meaning.
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Originally Posted by up2u View Post
Because some dubs are better than the original japanese.

See Yu Yu Hakusho and Cromartie High.

I do not agree with you.
There is no way something can become "better" than the original (in this case).

Also, I have watched both with both dubs and subs and yes, the english one mostly gets in the mood (especially in the cromatie highschool) but no, they are not better than the japanese dubs.

Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
I've gained the ability to comprehend basic Japanese after watching so many subbed episodes of various anime. Memory association of the sentences and words to the Japanese pronunciation and I eventually form the ability to guess-timate the meaning.

Japanese overall is not that hard, if you have some practice.

Kanji on the other hand... yes, that IS hard.

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Do anyone else get this strange awkward feeling when you finish an anime (even if the end is happy and satisfying)?
Not awkward, it just feels sad to see an anime has finally end, whether its a good or bad end.
Probably the reason why its exciting to see a sequel for some anime that's going to be released soon. Of course I will be even more sad if said sequel is dissapointing.
It's same same with books aswell.

You often miss them if they were good.

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[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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