Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post

sup guiz

was 2-2 in series

had the most intense 56 minute game for the last win, didn't expect that last win but it was a comeback of the gods. My hands are still shaking.

Grats on diamond. How long do you think the climb to challenger will be and do you think you can make it?
Also, if a pro team approached yo what would you say?
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Here's a video of me playing "amazingly" in silver division I with some commentary....

In laning phase against Jayce make sure he won't land his gate and blast combo. You should dodge or bait him in to using it against minions. You have to look carefully at the position of minions. Jump on him when a minion is running up to him or is really close. The blast may not go through the gate or minions will block all the damage. Xin didn't gank when Jayce was out of position. At least he could have forced him away. Also Jayce build was bad. He should have gone for Manamune early and stacked it till Muramana. He didn't engage teamfights he was harassing more. He also wasted a lot of gold on Black cleaver upgrade. It isn't worth it to upgrade brutalizer so early. After Manamune, brutalizer and last whisper he could have gone tanky. It's because he was fed and could have carried more than the 2 AD carries in your team. After Muramana his combos would really hurt and in teamfights he could just harass and after someone gets low finish them and engage a teamfight. I think J4 made a mistake by going tanky so late. He should have been the one to start a teamfight. It is just my opinion and point of view of the game. Also they threw so hard by farming lanes while your team forced teamfights. Gj on the comeback. Work on your laning phase.
Last edited by Uberis; Mar 10, 2013 at 04:15 PM.
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Here's a video of me playing "amazingly" in silver division I with some commentary....

Nice getting shitstomped in lane bro
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Grats on diamond. How long do you think the climb to challenger will be and do you think you can make it?
Also, if a pro team approached yo what would you say?

Honestly I don't know If I'll make it to challenger. I would like to be in there for sure, but if I do it's going to take a while. Definitely way late into the season, but I don't know if my skill level is that high.

If you look at my most played champs you'll see that I basically got to diamond only knowing how to play Jayce. My champ pool is super small basically, and as of right now I'm going to learn some new champs before going back into Ranked. I mean, other people have done the same as me, getting to super high elos only knowing one champ, but I would definitely like to expand my champ pool.

If I do make it to challenger, I definitely won't join a pro team. I don't have the time, I've tried joining a semi-serious local team before and I just didn't have the time. Basically being on the team it came down to having to pick two of these: League, social life, and school; so while I love league, I don't love it enough to sacrifice my chances of going into college (which I'm going off to in 4 months, another reason not to join a pro team) and I just chose a social life over league.

Also for anyone curious my list of champs to learn is:

AP Nidalee
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
In laning phase against Jayce make sure he won't land his gate and blast combo. You should dodge or bait him in to using it against minions. You have to look carefully at the position of minions. Jump on him when a minion is running up to him or is really close. The blast may not go through the gate or minions will block all the damage. Xin didn't gank when Jayce was out of position. At least he could have forced him away. Also Jayce build was bad. He should have gone for Manamune early and stacked it till Muramana. He didn't engage teamfights he was harassing more. He also wasted a lot of gold on Black cleaver upgrade. It isn't worth it to upgrade brutalizer so early. After Manamune, brutalizer and last whisper he could have gone tanky. It's because he was fed and could have carried more than the 2 AD carries in your team. After Muramana his combos would really hurt and in teamfights he could just harass and after someone gets low finish them and engage a teamfight. I think J4 made a mistake by going tanky so late. He should have been the one to start a teamfight. It is just my opinion and point of view of the game. Also they threw so hard by farming lanes while your team forced teamfights. Gj on the comeback. Work on your laning phase.

I would have killed him and would have gotten first blood if I didn't Q a minion when I jumped towards Jayce. My first mistake snowballed me into a mess of fuck ups. My laning phase is usually pretty good, its my mid/late game that's horrible. That game is basically the opposite of how I play.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Also Jayce build was bad. He should have gone for Manamune early and stacked it till Muramana. He didn't engage teamfights he was harassing more. He also wasted a lot of gold on Black cleaver upgrade. It isn't worth it to upgrade brutalizer so early. After Manamune, brutalizer and last whisper he could have gone tanky.

I main Jayce. A good one doesn't need a Tear. Just want to throw that out there.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post

Also for anyone curious my list of champs to learn is:

AP Nidalee

Wait, arent actually jayces and nidalees playstile very similiar?

Poke them down, switch formes and then burst them with your combo?