Originally Posted by Inuyasha11 View Post

Favoutire band:
(I have a couple)... Queen, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Fall of Troy, Green Day, and Gym Class Heroes

Why do you want to join?:
I love music I love playing instruments such as the alto sax and drums and I might plan on doing it for a living...

Man those bands aren't metal. The only non pop-ish mainstream shit band you named is, Queen. I love Queen.
It is nice that you like alto sax and drums. I'm quite a fan of Violoncello.
You don't seem fit in this org, altough we need members to put this up and living we don't need one that doesn't know shit about metal and its variates.

Contribooting with some new Machine Head, i'm going to see them live in 17 November. Them plus BMTH, DevilDrive and Darkest Hour.

My iPod won't let me view the vid but is the song Locust? I love it..