mine was 90 days
but mum told me not to bring aids home and hevys puns are bad enough to make it happen -Origami
im down
i have nothin else anyway
but mum told me not to bring aids home and hevys puns are bad enough to make it happen -Origami
Try to do some testing/advertising of other players in /jo Senpai and make the desc Senpai Recruitment

If you feel they are good enough, tell them to apply and I will test them officially
コンコンこんにちは。私はあなたに挑戦するために、今日、あなたの前に来ます。私はあなたのためのチャリテ ィMMAの戦いを行います。私が勝った場合、 50 000円はアニメ財団™をなくすに向かって移動します。あなたが勝った場合、私は実際に日本への旅行のため にあなたを支払うことになります。受けますか?

face the truth

seekrit anti-anime meeting

Doyōbi is Saturday, Saturday is Doyōbi