1) It's a starting aikido technique.
2) I think that sometimes they come out from a pro technique so I don't hate them
3) I don't like them because sometimes they are hard to counter, and they put you in air so quick, and in aikido if you are in the air, you probably will fall out to DQ.

But still I don't hate it.
I understand that technique is a shovel, but I do not really like in aikido, a technique I think is most recommended for aikido bd, and anyway I think its important wars in which the player does not prohibit shovel use shovel. Anyway shovel is just one more move
I dont get the fuss about shoveling, its easy to couter in the first frames of the game. If ppl want to play like that well just let them play, its thair way of playing.
Last edited by shrimp24; Aug 22, 2012 at 12:42 AM.
1) What is shoveling? Shoveling is a mixture of several things actually. Most people only think of a shovel as the opener but its really when ever you push and lift at the same time however its more common to use the opener, kinda like lifting + liftkicking. the lift kick is the opener etc.

2) Why are you against shoveling?
It depends. Im against it in duels as a rage move against your opponent because you cant win any other way or you just wanna do it to be a dick.
I also dont like the fact that people brag about winning when they use such a technique.
3) Why are you not against shoveling?
Hmm well I'm not against it in times were you only have 1 hand or arm or your opponent has like a 200k score and you have 8k score chances are you making the score are low so shovel away.
i think shovels are perfectly acceptable. if you're good enough to counter them then whats the problem. if you're not then get better at the game instead of whining
1) What is shoveling?
It's a type of opener. It can have variations ie start with relaxed, contract pecs, lower shoulders or hold shoulders, rotate chest second frame etc. It isn't just one specific combination of joint inputs, just as all liftkick openers are not the same

2) Why are you against shoveling?
Personally I don't mind if people shovel, since it's a tactic that can be employed legally. I do however feel that this type of opener (as well as liftkicks) can make for more boring games, doesn't showcase skill and people who use them tend not to improve much over the long run. The things I hate about shoveling is more the aftermath ie every type of lift is considered by some as a shovel and the whining that usually accompanies it.

3) Why are you not against shoveling?
It's just another tactic. If you can't counter it you need to get better.
Last edited by Silligoose; Aug 22, 2012 at 11:06 PM.
^ yes, this more or less, i play for the fun of it when i do bother playing , i enjoy derping around like a retard. Win tactics like the shovel or kicklift are rather boring even if they are valid tactics and totally understandable.
Im still going to shout at the dickheads that dont play the games for the same reason i do though.