Originally Posted by Virtue View Post
I like Dynasty Warriors 6. Especially Lu Bu. Fed up with Lu Bu, the world decided to gang up against him. Unfortunately for them, Lu Bu is stronger than the world.

Cao Cao is superior.

I saw Lu Bu for first the time in Dynasty Warriors 3, Hu Lao Gate map. His entrance was awesome, with all the people screaming "AAAH, IT'S LU BU! HE HAS COME TO KILL US ALL!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES"

And yeah, those privates knew what they were talking about. I was able to kill him like months after, tens of retries.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
In DW5, it's almost impossible to kill him with rank 16. Rank 16 is the lowest rank. You like damage him with a tiny finger nail and once he hits you your life will be half down.

E: Also, he was first shown guarding Si Shui Gate. Everybody who was near the gate was killed in the cutscene and they were like 'It's Lu...Lu Bu! Aaaaah!'.

Then after that Yuan Shao wanted to attack Dong Zhuo straight by heading to the Hu Lao Gate. His entrance with Red Hare (His horse) jumping out the castle was the most epic scene ever.

Cao Cao is badass, he's epic. Unlike Sun Jian and Liu Bei. They suck.
Last edited by Virtue; Feb 15, 2010 at 01:21 PM.
master of the universe
yeah I wanna get it too though since I dont have any money and my internet is toatlly WORTHLESS, I cant.... =/

have anyone ever played the game Mount & Blade? its and awesome game where you have your own troop and battle against kingdoms it doesnt look very good but it is AWESOME!
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Originally Posted by Virtue View Post
In DW5, it's almost impossible to kill him with rank 16. Rank 16 is the lowest rank. You like damage him with a tiny finger nail and once he hits you your life will be half down.

E: Also, he was first shown guarding Si Shui Gate. Everybody who was near the gate was killed in the cutscene and they were like 'It's Lu...Lu Bu! Aaaaah!'.

Then after that Yuan Shao wanted to attack Dong Zhuo straight by heading to the Hu Lao Gate. His entrance with Red Hare (His horse) jumping out the castle was the most epic scene ever.

Cao Cao is badass, he's epic. Unlike Sun Jian and Liu Bei. They suck.

Yes, Cao Cao is the best.

I also liked Sun Ce, but when he died, Wu sucked ass again.

Also, yes loje, I've played Mount & Blade. Got it like 4-5 years ago I think. Back when it was only Vaegir and Swadians against each other and no castles or siege at all (I think). Swadians had the superb troops so of course, as a man, I went for Vaegirs :p
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
haha well yeah you should play it now :P theres alot of great mods too

though I havnt bought it... I use the uniloader :P as long as that one is still working then I will keep on using it.... They are about to release a new version called Warband where you have a multiplayer option xD its gonna be released sometime next month
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I gotta post this pic everywhere.. I played some osu! and my 15000th play turned out to be awesome one.

I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
I don't get that game.
I can't wait for Battlefield Bad Company 2.

Dang, the graphics are awesome, the environment is destructable And the gameplay is just awesome. Damn.

Also, anyone heard of The settlers?
Originally Posted by OldJoe View Post
I also liked Sun Ce, but when he died, Wu sucked ass again.

Sun Ce and Zhou Tai, and Ling Tong were my favorite's in Wu. At Wei is Pang De, Cao Cao, Zhang He, and a weelittle bit of Cao Pi. At Shu they are Guan Ping, Zhao Yun, and Ma Chao.

Dynasty Warriors sucked when they released DW6. All their weapons changed, I can't even tell who Guan Ping is. And Lu Bu's voice at DW6 is like an old man upset about his hooker.

I mean take a look:

Guan Ping at DW5:

And Guan Ping at DW6:

Like, dang.
master of the universe