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Real time ranking
In the upcoming day or so I will switch out the ranking system.

The means all ranks will be reset and you will show up as "Unranked" first game you play. (Or if you have a custom belt it says rank 0, this is a bug in the client).

The new system has multiple rankings:
- Global ranking, contains your overall ranking (like the first ranking system we had)
- Mod ranking, one ranking per mod (now you can be rank #1 in aikido.tbm etc)

What has been improved:
- Ranking is real time, updates right after the match.
- Ranking is based on a modified Elo formula that suits Toribash.
- Online ranking page,

Note! We are still checking how it behaves under load of multiple servers running. I might need a few server restart to get out any glitches.

Ranking is bugged when playing against unranked players, I'm trying to find out what happend. Rankings will probably be reset. Please be patient.
Last edited by hampa; Apr 16, 2011 at 02:34 PM.
Originally Posted by CDSONIC01 View Post
yes but a farmer could easily just make a server private while having 3 or more players in it.

So,we can stop their farming by not making their win count if they change the game rules.The way I see it a person could farm either by using several accounts,and I think those are easily caught is in they have the same IPs.Or,he would be farming with other online accounts that case I also think there are ways to catch them if they are farming qi.But,what if for example one account is losing repetitively to another player on purpose.To this account it wouldn't mean much because he's using an alt that he doesn't give a fuck about.But,the other is having an abnormally good global rank.Maybe we can try and detect continuous losses for two people playing in one server...and investigate in the thing if it reaches an abnormal level.
Now,I don't really care that much about ranks ,although it's a great new feature(hey you can't complain).I'm just thinking that it might not lead to a fair representation of the actual results.
Last edited by William; Apr 29, 2011 at 06:42 PM.
Um im kind of getting what your at there, can't really get it out properly but it mostly makes sence to me. If you go along with my idea (offical servers idea) then as i said there would be alot less farming and the very little that remains hard to do.
Originally Posted by CDSONIC01 View Post
Um im kind of getting what your at there, can't really get it out properly but it mostly makes sence to me. If you go along with my idea (offical servers idea) then as i said there would be alot less farming and the very little that remains hard to do.

Might as well use the bot idea for rooms that was tried some time ago(like half a year if i recall correctly).It gave the ranking for each player in each official room.It was given a test,but I don't recall why it never stayed permanently.Maybe because they we're working on the current ranking system,and found that it would be a much better idea.

If we want to apply your idea,then we're doing it to prevent the farming that might happen for the global and mod ranking.So,we would be solving one problem which is the mod ranking.The global ranking would still be flawed.So,why not work on a solution that would guarantee the correct functioning of both systems?
How would the global ranking still be flawed if using my idea? Shouldn't it cover both mod and global rankings.
Originally Posted by CDSONIC01 View Post
How would the global ranking still be flawed if using my idea? Shouldn't it cover both mod and global rankings.

Hmm,if all what would matter is the official rooms...than that wouldn't be fair either.Official mods doesn't cover all the mods played by player,so why shouldn't players who like to play boxing for example be included in the ranking(their wins counting).That is if we're going to cram everything to the official rooms.

I prefer keeping the things the way it is.Since,the idea is already applied;I honestly don't think this system will be let go anytime soon.I prefer finding practical solutions to solve this;I've stated some before.
Maybe only use a certain amount of mods? I mean someone could just use one of those silly mods that have end quickly to get a good global rank, and if people only used mods that are offically chosen to have offical servers( you can always add some and remove some) it would show that these people actually worked to get there rank instead of farming or using an easy mod to get wins. I meant to say , if i did not, in an earlier post that maybe servers could be added for certain other mods.

also u didnt really answer my previous question you just went on to make another point
Last edited by Snook; Apr 29, 2011 at 08:33 PM. Reason: going offline now so if u reply ull get mine later
Originally Posted by CDSONIC01 View Post
Maybe only use a certain amount of mods? I mean someone could just use one of those silly mods that have end quickly to get a good global rank, and if people only used mods that are offically chosen to have offical servers( you can always add some and remove some) it would show that these people actually worked to get there rank instead of farming or using an easy mod to get wins. I meant to say , if i did not, in an earlier post that maybe servers could be added for certain other mods.

also u didnt really answer my previous question you just went on to make another point

I stated how your idea might not be fair either.

Making more servers for different mods...that's not my business.

Choosing the set of mods where wins/losses would count is actually a feasible idea.It might be a hassle since their is a lots of mods though.
Originally Posted by William View Post
I stated how your idea might not be fair either.

Making more servers for different mods...that's not my business.

Choosing the set of mods where wins/losses would count is actually a feasible idea.
It might be a hassle since their is a lots of mods though.

Only use some mods then like i said. Maybe just the mods that require some skill instead of others made for just fun should have this feature. And i think making more servers would be good for both my idea and because some of these mods played by many should probably have an offical server so people can make some tc from them( second part there had nothing to do with ranks but just saying as an added bonus).