Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Zhask View Post
Name : Zhask

Discord Name : Ervin#9064

Age : 15

GMT : ( UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta

Activity : I'm usually play Toribash after school. I play sometimes 4 hours, depends on the situation ( Vacation, etc )


Introduction :

Hello, my name is Ervin. I have been playing this game since 2015, but be'cause i forgot my old account password, i make the new one ( This One )

I'm 15 years old, I have been playing this game for 4 years now
I got a lot of hobbies, I like playing piano/organ, and I like drawing too.

I'm pretty quiet person, be'cause im the only son in my family ( actually i have an older brother, but my mom abort him before his born ( in her womb ). So, if my parents go somewhere, and i left alone, i feel like there's no friend at all. Even my schoolmates goes with another friens that i haven't quite know yet. So, it's kinda depressing.

The mods that i like is Boxshu and Mushu. But, i'm pretty good at twinswords too. Usually, i play alot of aikido, pretty good as well. But when i retired about a year from 2018 since i forgot my password, i didnt play aikido much, so i'm rusty at it.

I have a friend from Indonesia, his name ( account ) Angels, i saw him with the clan tag [z]

I have been previously with other clan. It's SixPaths, it was number 1 around season 4 - 5? ( i kinda forgot, since i was kicked be'cause unactive, the password thingy again )

I like to do some spar. Usually with my game friends, i make alot of replays of it. But since my laptop is damaged, i need to use another one laptop. So the replay file isnt there.

Why do I wan't to join zero?

I feel alone when no clan since back then. All of my game friends have a clan name tag, so, why not? I usually feel better by joining one of the clan, especially the official one. I felt like the suggestion by having a clan, makes me more powerful like i haven't felt before.

I want to join Boxshu Group, or Mushu. I Really like the mod.

I want to join the clan to be apart of the best and respectful players in the clan, have more friends and be with PewPew that will be official %100 in the future.

Note : I'm not good at english, the worst at grammar. I'm asian by the way. Thanks for noticing.

Accepted as a Trial
Discord: Gustavoa #3304
Name: dead4your
Age: I'm 14 years old
Gmt: -3,00
So im not like much online active on in-game because of my scholl during the week, and i can be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I play bunch of mods there is mushu,boxshu,lenshu,aikidobigdojo,taekyoon,judo,ju dofrac,xspar sometimes,erthkv2.
I've been playing since 2016 lost many accounts,
The why that i want to join Z it is make new friends.
I'm not toxic im really friendly and i like to dont leg grabs even if i have chance to do i dont do.
Attached Files
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Originally Posted by dead4your View Post
Discord: Gustavoa #3304
Name: dead4your
Age: I'm 14 years old
Gmt: -3,00
So im not like much online active on in-game because of my scholl during the week, and i can be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I play bunch of mods there is mushu,boxshu,lenshu,aikidobigdojo,taekyoon,judo,ju dofrac,xspar sometimes,erthkv2.
I've been playing since 2016 lost many accounts,
The why that i want to join Z it is make new friends.
I'm not toxic im really friendly and i like to dont leg grabs even if i have chance to do i dont do.

Accepted in the Trial
so i am finally here
So, as you guys probably know, i am Nebula, originally named lumeri2, which i prefer being called as lumeri, my Real name is actually the meaning of lumeri! I always tell this everyone but check this:
My real name is Lucas Meneses Ribeiro
Did you saw it?? Yeah lumeri literally means the two starting letters of each part of my name... also 2 is my favorite number.
Now, for the boring stuff, i am currently 18 years old, my gmt is -03:00, i am very active in forums and ingame.
Now, for some extra stuff, i live in São Paulo, most english knowledge i have i acquired playing TB, since i started playing in 2012(online, i played freeplay since december 2011), and i was only 11 at the time, just by the chat, i startes picking up with words, phrases and meaning juat by myself, i learned legit like 80% of my english on this game, i wanted to join zero because it is a very active clan, and because i already kinda know you guys, when i was still at 7even Fyre gave me some nice advice about clan stuff, even tho i've already been leader of currently now 4 or 5 clans(all dead now) and on top of it, we were clan allies, and on discord you had me at cool visitors, the moment i thought of entering another clan i knew exactly it had to be zero.
For some good things to know about me that could help the clan in some way, i am very active in forum, and i can boost the activity of the clan by a lot, i also am very active ingame, where i can help with clan wars, since i am one of the biggest(if the the biggest because there isn't much) war soloists out there), my best mods in order are:

i am very experienced with clans, i've been in several, many many clans, so i just wanted to join this because i really liked you guys, again, thanks fyre for the generosity, this is just my retribuition.
Last edited by sleep; Jun 13, 2019 at 04:05 PM.
You just lost the game
I am not a scammer
Originally Posted by Nebula View Post
So, as you guys probably know, i am Nebula, originally named lumeri2, which i prefer being called as lumeri, my Real name is actually the meaning of lumeri! I always tell this everyone but check this:
My real name is Lucas Meneses Ribeiro
Did you saw it?? Yeah lumeri literally means the two starting letters of each part of my name... also 2 is my favorite number.
Now, for the boring stuff, i am currently 18 years old, my gmt is -03:00, i am very active in forums and ingame.
Now, for some extra stuff, i live in São Paulo, most english knowledge i have i acquired playing TB, since i started playing in 2012(online, i played freeplay since december 2011), and i was only 11 at the time, just by the chat, i startes picking up with words, phrases and meaning juat by myself, i learned legit like 80% of my english on this game, i wanted to join zero because it is a very active clan, and because i already kinda know you guys, when i was still at 7even Fyre gave me some nice advice about clan stuff, even tho i've already been leader of currently now 4 or 5 clans(all dead now) and on top of it, we were clan allies, and on discord you had me at cool visitors, the moment i thought of entering another clan i knew exactly it had to be zero.
For some good things to know about me that could help the clan in some way, i am very active in forum, and i can boost the activity of the clan by a lot, i also am very active ingame, where i can help with clan wars, since i am one of the biggest(if the the biggest because there isn't much) war soloists out there), my best mods in order are:

i am very experienced with clans, i've been in several, many many clans, so i just wanted to join this because i really liked you guys, again, thanks fyre for the generosity, this is just my retribuition.

Accepted in the Trial
So now Iam going to writ this app. a 2nd time, because the site logge dme out an i didnt copied my shit, gg
Hello everyone first,
I try to make this application not to look like a complety mess, so first things first.
Name: Pascal (FreakShot or FrEaKShOt <- it was cool in 2009 to spell like this, i think)
Location: Germany, GMT+1

"Who are you and why are you postin in this thread u mf?!"
Iam glad you asked.
Iam 21 years old now, living on a island called "Norderney" in Germany.
I started Toribash back in 2009 but then paused in 2012 I think.
The reason for that: no PC, school got serious then got a "training" didnt know its the correct word but its after school when you learn 3 years for your job and and get learned out.
That Job was pretty shitty and i almost got no time, so i searched a new one and my current situation is like this:
New job, more time, more money, moved to a nice pretty island.
So yeah here Iam again, back in the game.
Iam active as often as i can, that means after work or on my days off.
So i would say iam online almost everyday.
When iam ingame i got my forum open everytime, but my forumgame isn't on point that much, iam willing to change that.

Languages:German, English(not very good, but the most can understand me)

"Alright dude, but why us and why should we take you?"
Good question, here is my answer:
Back in 2009, we got a big german clan, a family, everyone was loyal.
As i started playing again two clans wanted me to join them and they didnt saw me playing, it was more like "hey we need players, join us!" i wouldnt say, thats a bad thing, but that clan feeling wasnt there, i joined them and hoped that the feeling would come up.
But you could easily saw that there anyone was invited and the half of them went inactive.
So yeah, iam searching for a nice clan to play with and stay loyal to them.
I know, its cool that i want you, but why do you would want me?
Its easy, Iam german and you need one german member to keep the tolerance and shit like that.
JK, I think iam not that bad (a bit rusty but not a complete noob)
And i got a bit of experience and iam ready to lern new stuff.

Idk if this is still a thing but fav. mods are: Aikido,ABD,Greykido

So i hope i didnt fucked up that much and you could understand me.
If i forgot anything, feel free to ask me.

Discord: OG Lausbub#1498
Ah shit, here we go again...
Originally Posted by FrEaKShOt View Post
So now Iam going to writ this app. a 2nd time, because the site logge dme out an i didnt copied my shit, gg
Hello everyone first,
I try to make this application not to look like a complety mess, so first things first.
Name: Pascal (FreakShot or FrEaKShOt <- it was cool in 2009 to spell like this, i think)
Location: Germany, GMT+1

"Who are you and why are you postin in this thread u mf?!"
Iam glad you asked.
Iam 21 years old now, living on a island called "Norderney" in Germany.
I started Toribash back in 2009 but then paused in 2012 I think.
The reason for that: no PC, school got serious then got a "training" didnt know its the correct word but its after school when you learn 3 years for your job and and get learned out.
That Job was pretty shitty and i almost got no time, so i searched a new one and my current situation is like this:
New job, more time, more money, moved to a nice pretty island.
So yeah here Iam again, back in the game.
Iam active as often as i can, that means after work or on my days off.
So i would say iam online almost everyday.
When iam ingame i got my forum open everytime, but my forumgame isn't on point that much, iam willing to change that.

Languages:German, English(not very good, but the most can understand me)

"Alright dude, but why us and why should we take you?"
Good question, here is my answer:
Back in 2009, we got a big german clan, a family, everyone was loyal.
As i started playing again two clans wanted me to join them and they didnt saw me playing, it was more like "hey we need players, join us!" i wouldnt say, thats a bad thing, but that clan feeling wasnt there, i joined them and hoped that the feeling would come up.
But you could easily saw that there anyone was invited and the half of them went inactive.
So yeah, iam searching for a nice clan to play with and stay loyal to them.
I know, its cool that i want you, but why do you would want me?
Its easy, Iam german and you need one german member to keep the tolerance and shit like that.
JK, I think iam not that bad (a bit rusty but not a complete noob)
And i got a bit of experience and iam ready to lern new stuff.

Idk if this is still a thing but fav. mods are: Aikido,ABD,Greykido

So i hope i didnt fucked up that much and you could understand me.
If i forgot anything, feel free to ask me.

Discord: OG Lausbub#1498

Accepted in the Trial

Nice application .