Originally Posted by Joel View Post
suddenly toaster DDoS HOBO !! !

Joel, when you are done with the computer can I use it?
Hi everyone, once again we're actively recruiting. Send me a PM here or on Discord if you're interested in joining (or write an app if you prefer), if you're cool we'll let you in to trial.
Originally Posted by pajillero View Post
hello i join in a recruitment room with frost and i win he then he say me to apply in adventure

Hi, we don't do clan hopping, also your "app" was pretty bad.

Hey. My name is Mateo Bognanno and I would like to join in Adventure.

I was seeing the clan before I applied (ofc) and I noticed you are not a clan, you are a family damn.

And that's the point I'm here.. Since 2 years ago I don't play Toribash and now that I'm back, I'm looking for a new family, since Crooks died. Also, I have some old teammates/friends from there.

I'm from Argentina, I have 15 years old. I'm just a normal person with a routinary life.. Not much to tell. I like to play games, my favorite one is CS:GO.

Also I wanna join because I'd like to know more people, make new friends, and get better in-game too. Btw I suck as fuck playing..

Replays? Also here is my replay thread.

Uh, did I tell you I don't play since 2 years?

The last replay called "oneafterayear" is my last madman.

Hahahah, the replays I have are just madmans.. Typhon knows how I play in other mods.

I wanna know you all.

Thanks for your beatiful time..
Attached Files
Mateo - 2.0.rpl (189.7 KB, 2 views)
Mateo - Crooks.rpl (240.8 KB, 2 views)
Mateo - Green Life.rpl (161.8 KB, 2 views)
#M - The New Era.rpl (227.9 KB, 2 views)
oneafterayear.rpl (88.1 KB, 2 views)

Elite's Application

Toribash History
As you may know i've been in many clans, and by that, i mean a lot
i've also lead my own a few times, to of which failed, but with this on
topic, i want to explain multiple factors, and explain my situation currently.

I've been known to hop, to leave and join another clan, but i have realized
the fault in that, and have stopped the bad habbit as best as i have could.
i was in fl0w, and in x for both a month, left fl0w because i didnt feel like i fit
in, them being a Wushu clan and me being a sparrer or a mushu player felt off.

onto (x), it was a clan i loved being in, was in it for around a month, and after a
while it ended up dying, today of all days, due to originally activity then a council
member left it which resulted in our impending death due to multiple factors,
considered them a family, more than a clan if anything else.

with my clan history and overall well, bad history out of the way i want to explain
myself as a player a bit more, as i don't know if any of you know me all that well.
I originally started in 2008, when i was 9, surprisingly or not, i was shit, and that's
not an exaggeration, i was really bad, moving onto a few years later when i was
around 11, i got an interest in replay making, speicifically, madmans. Now me being
11, i was bad at it, but i practiced, was still bad, but was better than i was originally.

From then on i practiced until i was around 13, then which i stopped and started playing
multiplayer. Me being 13, i was a toxic little kid and stopped playing came back in 2015
and started playing again, and now a few years later, i am now where i am today.
I am, well, me.

Personal Life
As for me as a person, i have multiple bad traits, but i suppose no one is perfect.
I have some depression, i also have anxiety, and can be shy at points depending on who i am talking to, say for example someone
like Wizard, or surge, i consider them friends, wouldn't be shy around them, but let's say for example, sir, i don't know him all that well,
and i wouldn't be able to strike up a conversation with him, or at least not as well as i could with others.

Other than this i am quite a social person, i love talking to people i know
i often like to be in voice, and personally get to know people better.
I respect people who respect me, in otherwords, if your chill, i like you.
That being said my biggest pet peeve is being a dick to me or a friend.

I am also a 'hardcore' gamer, at least in my book lmao, i have around 70
games on steam and about 20 on xbox one, aiming to get more at some point'
I am also a programmer, and use to be a designer, i loved designing but recent
lost all my designs due to hard drive failing, and had to buy a new SSD for my
computer, so that's depressing i suppose, but on the bright side i am back.
and plan on getting into design and programming again, as soon as i can.

Why i want to join
I want to join because i know a lot of the members and it seems like a fun
clan to be in. The members i know are currently: Shinigami, Wizard, Surge,
Tabby, Kriegery, Typhon, Smaguris, Frost, and Plus. A good bit of the members
if i do say so myself. With this being said, the main reason i want to join is because
of the people in it, not because of the tag, or the name, or being in a clan, but because
i feel like i would fit in. I know a bit of the members, a lot of them are friends of mine and
a few of them think it'd be cool if i got in, so i want a chance, just 1. If i fail the chance
you can blacklist me, ban me from the board, what ever. Because i feel as if there is any
clan i would like to stay in at the current time other than well.. x.. that is basically dead now.
It is this one. Adventure, because i know so many members, and maybe just maybe,
i will fit in.

Thank you for reading my application.
13/02/18: Elite posted for discussion.

13/02/18: Elite accepted for Trial, welcome to Adventure.
Last edited by tabby; Feb 14, 2018 at 12:28 AM.
Hello my name is Connor
I live in the US
My age is 19
My belt is currently Black

I have been playing Toribash for a while now (a few years, 2015 ish I believe) and like to get better at the game and learn new things. I also like to trick and spar but still have much to learn. I am on a discord server called ToriAcadamy and learn how to do many things there but I learn best by doing it myself or with someone actively telling me how to preform a trick or move, or just by inventing my own way of doing it or inventing my own move etc.

As far as activity and participation goes I try my best to get on 1 time a day and learn a little but sometimes I cannot do that due to work and school. the good thing though is that I will be getting on more as of recently because I am graduating early from high school.

I am not the best at using the forums yet but if you would like me to learn how to use it better then I am always willing to learn and figure things out. I am also open to participate in wars and other [a] events such as tricking and whatnot.

My main mods at mushu, ABD, Akido, Pendulum Jumper (for fun) and others I cant think of at the moment. I also like to play and learn other different mods such as boxing or Golem mods (watever you can think of, just nameing a few). I also play other games occasionally but whenver i jump on i usually find myself on Toribash. but above all I like having fun and hanging with good friends. which I hope you guys will become

Anyways thanks for reading and considering this application and I hope I will get the chance to hang with you guys in Toribash.