Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I just installed this game. I'm terrible. What class can mill? I need to make an obligatory mill deck because I always enjoy mill decks.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Turns out I really like warlock. Haven't lost a game yet, though that's not saying much considering I've only played 3 games against other players.

Am I doing it right if I'm playing warlock like control and pinging dangerous stuff with spells and using taunt creatures to deal with little guys to stall out so I can abuse card advantage from my hero spell while they're forced to top deck?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Turns out I really like warlock. Haven't lost a game yet, though that's not saying much considering I've only played 3 games against other players.

Am I doing it right if I'm playing warlock like control and pinging dangerous stuff with spells and using taunt creatures to deal with little guys to stall out so I can abuse card advantage from my hero spell while they're forced to top deck?

There isn't a "right" way to play a hero, but there are some who handle certain types of decks better. Control Warlock isn't really bad, but there are more effective alternatives such as Control Warrior. The Meta right now favours aggro decks which naturally beat the slow control-ish types of decks.

If you like to play long games which emphasise on strategy, then I suggest you go for a Handlock deck, which is popular even in the pro scene. It gives you lots of choices and requires a certain amount of experience to play, but it ultimately pays off. The downside is that it requires a LOT of dust. I don't remember seeing Handlock decks for less than 6800 dust.

But if you still want to play Warlock and win consistently without having the extremely rare and expensive cards to build a Handlock deck, then I suggest going for Zoo Lock. It's an aggro deck with a lot of cheap mana-cost minions. The downside is that one of the MVPs of those type of decks is Imp Gang Boss, which requires you to buy the 2nd BRM wing. Haunted Creeper is also a staple in pretty much every aggro deck. You can build a Zoo deck that will carry you to Legend for around 1600 dust.

You can also check this site below for other meta decks.
f2p my ass. still gonna play, but damn this is just as much a money suck as mtg

Still have yet to lose with my warlock control, still getting matched against somewhat new people cause i see way too many mages that are premature with their sheep.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I played with a friend who actually spent money on the game. rip lossless warlock

On another note, better to spend my gold on packs or save it up to unlock branches of adventures? Or will I invariably need to spend the 50 bucks at some point to unlock the adventures to be worth?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games

Oh golden bane of doom, how I love you.

Last edited by EJM; May 28, 2015 at 09:47 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I played with a friend who actually spent money on the game. rip lossless warlock

On another note, better to spend my gold on packs or save it up to unlock branches of adventures? Or will I invariably need to spend the 50 bucks at some point to unlock the adventures to be worth?

Hey Oracle, please let me educate ya on some Hearthstone.

First off, best mill classes are in order:
Mage, Rogue, Druid.

Mage does a fatigue like deck using Echo of Medivh, duplicate, etc. along with great secrets to gain card advantage (more than 30 cards), and has plenty of crowd control features.

Rogues just have tons of way to make you overdraw, like Vanish, and their new card that came out this Expansion "Gang Up" is awesome for having card advantage.

Druid is the least consistent at milling, but has a few trademarked strategies (Tree of Life basically resets the entire games health, Nourish makes them draw 2 cards, etc.)

The game is and isn't P2W. The game's currency system is self-sustaining for you to constantly buy what you want IF you're talented enough at Arena. 90% of people suck at arena though.

If you're going to spend money on the game, here's my priority list for you (in terms of usefulness for competitive play):

-Buy Naxxaramas. Worth it as holy hell. SOOO many cards that are incredibly useful or staples in many many decks. If you instead say Hearthstone is a $25 game, and look at Naxx as it's solo story mode, it's already worth it. It's fun, the challenges are interesting, heroic mode will take a long time for you to figure out and beat, and it's very rewarding.

-Buy classic packs underneath Naxx.

-GvG cards next.

-Blackrock mountain wings dead last.

I can say that some classes are going to be more prone to expenses than others, but that these decks undergo the least changes competitively and are also the most consistent. You can get a cheap as hell Zoo deck that works for a season or two and hit top .5% with it, but it may not work well (and might be boring) 2 months down the road.

Control Warrior, Handlock, and Ramp Druid in that order are the most consistent, have always worked, Hearthstone decks out there. And they are also the most expensive, Control Warrior requiring many many legionaries, and ramp druid being the least expensive of that core 3.

I can say that it can be a tad expensive, but absolutely nowhere near how much you'd spend being anywhere near competitive in TCG like Magic.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; May 28, 2015 at 10:38 PM.
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