I don't know if that counts as spamming up my comic thread... so can you pay up or not? The reason i charge so much is because I can't play toribash at home. I have a dial-up connection on a 6.5 year old computer. I can hardly upload my comics. I need money, so I scrape out a living like any new artist and charge money for my art (not really, its like a suggested donation.)
My b-day approaches (this sunday) so I might have a new computer, but even then, my internet won't allow me to earn creds through playing (once i recorded .5 fps while attempting single player.) So help me out. You want in, I want creds... do you see the connection?
I gotta pay someone back, then I'm definitely donating. Mosier always donates a lot.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
Thnx. Where is hampa? I would've expected at least a little recognition by the god-dev himself... I think my self esteem needs a band-aid. *sob* I think I'll go eat 36 gallons of cookies 'n cream ice cream *sob.*

Spoiler alert!

I'm joining the comic! Don't make fun of my emo-ness. Also, we get a demonstration of the powers of a god-admin-dev smiting spammers.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
wow, you are emo. cookies n' cream?

everyone knows cookie dough ice cream is better.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

...who's emo now? It was a joke... I'm more of a purist anyway. Chocolate and Vanilla will be my faves forever. But let's not discuss ice cream here. As a clarification, I meant the emo-ness of my in comic character. It won't actually look like me, but whatever.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Wait, why do you need tcs? Keys? Blood? Btw, I'm a mini-mod. (Mod of the Tutorials Board.)

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
I need creds because:
1) can't play on my dial-up internet, so I have to make the quota some how, since I...
2)...want some items i.e. blood, joints, etc.
3) I used that generous donation from veb (20,000 creds!) to buy a reg key for my friend as a gift. Naturally, I'm now quite short of monies, which takes me back to #1...
Mini-mods (non-global) aren't eligible for auto entry, but you will get a deal, 200 creds suggested donation for inclusion in the comic. This is a sizeable discount compared to the going rate.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~